parse-wormedit: parsing modules in seperate files
authorMischa Poslawsky <>
Wed, 4 Mar 2009 16:09:15 +0000 (17:09 +0100)
committerMischa Poslawsky <>
Wed, 4 Mar 2009 16:40:14 +0000 (17:40 +0100)
Make all modules stand-alone, and put them in lib/.

lib/Games/Wormy/ [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/Games/Wormy/ [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/Parse/Binary/ [moved from Parse/Binary/ with 100% similarity]

diff --git a/lib/Games/Wormy/ b/lib/Games/Wormy/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..82ae3de
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+package Games::Wormy::TICalcLevels;
+use 5.010;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use List::Util qw(sum min max);
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Parse::Binary::Nested qw(unpackf);
+our $VERSION = '1.00';
+sub read {
+       my ($self, $input, $override) = @_;
+       my ($psize, $ptype, $size, $type, $vsize, $dsize, $id, $version) = unpack q{
+               x11 x42    # file signature and comment
+               S a2 S a2  # file size, type; data size, type
+               x8         # var name
+               S S        # var size; content size
+               CC         # wormy header
+       }, $input;
+       $ptype eq "\014\000"
+               or die "Not a calculator string, thus cannot be a Wormy level file\n";
+       $size == $psize - 16
+               or warn "File size ($size) does not correspond with data size ($psize)\n";
+       $type eq "\014\010"
+               or die "Not a calculator string, thus cannot be a Wormy level file\n";
+       $size == $vsize and $vsize == $dsize+2
+               or warn "Mismatch in string data size declarations\n";
+#      substr($input, -2) eq $CHECKSUM
+       $input = substr $input, 73, -2;
+       $id eq ord 'w'
+               or die "Wormy level identifier not found\n";
+       if ($override) {
+               warn "Override version $version to $override\n";
+               $version = $override;
+       }
+       elsif ($version == 95) {
+               # level offset instead of description byte
+               $version-- if (unpack('x2Z*x2xC', $input))[1] == 0xF4;
+               warn "Ambiguous file version 95; guessing subversion $version\n";
+       }
+       my @FORMAT = (
+               magic       => 'a1',
+               version     => 'C',
+               name        => 'Z*',
+               description => 'Z*',
+               levelcount  => [1,
+                       total  => 'S',
+               ],
+               moderef     => [1,
+                       map { (
+                               offset => [1, map {$_ => 'S'} @$_], # byte location of start
+                               end    => [1, map {$_ => 'C'} @$_],
+                       ) }
+                       [qw/single peaworm tron deathmatch foodmatch multifood timematch race ctf/]
+               ],
+               theanswer => 'x', # 42
+               sprite     => ['C',
+                       line => 'B8',
+               ],
+               leveldata => 'a*',
+               #levels
+               #finish code
+               #levels-multi
+               #hinames
+       );
+       my @LEVELFORM = (
+               peas       => 'C',
+               delay      => 'C',
+               growth     => 'C',
+               bsize      => 'C',
+               sprite     => ['C',
+                       line => 'B8',
+               ],
+               balls      => ['C',
+                       y   => 'C',
+                       x   => 'C',
+                       dir => 'C',
+               ],
+               worms      => [1,
+                       d => 'C',
+                       y => 'C',
+                       x => 'C',
+               ],
+               width      => 'C',
+               height     => 'C',
+               flags      => [0,
+                       y => 'C',
+                       x => 'C',
+               ],
+               objects    => ['?0',
+                       type => 'C',
+                       x1   => 'C',
+                       y1   => 'C',
+                       x2   => 'C',
+                       y2   => 'C',
+               ],
+       );
+       my $offsetbase = 0xF080;
+       my @VARMODES = (
+               [qw'single  single'],
+               [qw'multi   peaworm tron deathmatch foodmatch multifood timematch'],
+               [qw'race    race'],
+               [qw'ctf     ctf'],
+       );
+       given ($version) {
+               when (97) {
+                       # current @FORMAT
+               }
+                       $offsetbase = 0xF400;
+               when (96) {}
+                       ref $_ and splice(@$_, -8, 2) for @{ $FORMAT[11] }; # no multifood
+                       splice @FORMAT, 12, 2;  # no reserved byte
+               when (95) {}
+                       splice @FORMAT, 6, 2;  # no description
+               when (94) {}
+               when (90) {
+                       $FORMAT[5] = 'C/a';  # length-preceding name
+                       splice @FORMAT, 10, 2;  # no default sprite
+                       ref $_ and do {
+                               $_->[5] = $_->[7];  # no tron; deathmatch instead
+                               $_->[7] = $_->[9];  # foodmatch instead
+                               $_->[9] = 'linkmatch';  # replaces timematch
+                               $_->[11] = $_->[13];  # race
+                               $_->[13] = $_->[15];  # ctf
+                               $_->[15] = 'domination';
+                       } for @{ $FORMAT[9] }; # no multifood
+                       splice @LEVELFORM, -2;
+                       push @LEVELFORM, "objects$_" => ['C',
+                               type => "=$_",
+                               map {$_ => 'C'} qw(x1 y1 x2 y2)
+                       ] for 2, 3;
+                       # peaworm/tron mode do not take multiplayer levels
+                       splice @VARMODES, 1, 0, ['peaworm', splice @{ $VARMODES[1] }, 1, 2];
+               }
+               default {
+                       die "Unsupported level version $version\n";
+               }
+       }
+       my $data = unpackf(\@FORMAT, $input);
+       my $offset = 0;
+       $offsetbase += 1 + @{ $data->{sprite} } if $data->{sprite};
+       $data->{moderef}->{offset}->{single} == $offsetbase
+               or warn "First singleplayer level is not in front\n";
+       my $slots = sum(grep {defined}
+               $data->{moderef}->{end}->{single} > 0,  # singleplayer slot if any levels
+               $data->{moderef}->{end}->{peaworm},     # one for each peaworm arena
+               $data->{moderef}->{end}->{tron},        # idem for tron
+       );
+       $data->{hinames} = [ unpack '(x2a3)*', substr($data->{leveldata}, -5 * $slots) ];
+       $data->{format} = '86s';
+       $data->{levels} = [];
+       for my $modes (@VARMODES) {
+               my $variant = shift @$modes;
+               my @modeoffsets = grep {defined} #TODO: comment
+                       map { $data->{moderef}->{offset}->{$_} } @$modes;
+               @modeoffsets or next;
+               $data->{levelcount}->{$variant} = 0;
+               $offset = min(grep {$_} @modeoffsets) or next;
+               $offset -= $offsetbase;
+               my $amount = $variant eq 'single' ? 100
+                       : max(grep {defined} map { $data->{moderef}->{end}->{$_} } @$modes);
+               my @varform = @LEVELFORM;
+               $varform[13]->[0] = $variant ~~ ['single', 'peaworm'] ? 1 : 4; # worms
+               unshift @varform, name => 'Z*' unless $variant eq 'single' or $version <= 91;
+               $varform[-3]->[0] = 1 if $variant eq 'race' and $version > 91;
+               $varform[-3]->[0] = 2 if $variant eq 'ctf';
+               push @varform, size => '=.';
+               my $parselevel = Parse::Binary::Nested->new(\@varform);
+               while ($offset < length $data->{leveldata}) {
+                       last if substr($data->{leveldata}, $offset, 1) eq chr(255);
+                       # find references to this level offset, and set start number to matching modes
+                       while (my ($mode, $location) = each %{ $data->{moderef}->{offset} }) {
+                               $location == $offset + $offsetbase or next;
+                               $data->{moderef}->{start}->{$mode} = 1 + scalar @{ $data->{levels} };
+                       }
+                       my $level = $parselevel->unpackf(substr $data->{leveldata}, $offset);
+                       $level->{offset} = $offset + $offsetbase;
+                       # add objects until terminator
+                       $level->{objects} = [];
+               if ($version <= 91) {
+                       ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' and push @{ $level->{objects} }, @$_
+                               for map { delete $level->{"objects$_"} } 2, 3;
+               }
+                       # add parsed level and advance
+                       push @{ $data->{levels} }, $level;
+                       $offset += $level->{size};
+                       last if ++$data->{levelcount}->{$variant} >= $amount;
+               }
+               if ($variant eq 'single') {
+                       $offset++;
+                       $data->{finish}->{code} =
+                       my $code = substr $data->{leveldata}, $offset, -5*$slots;
+                       my %FINISHCODE = (
+                               0 => chr 0xC9, # ret
+                               1 => join('',
+                                       chr 0x21,  # ld hl, MESSAGE
+                                       pack('v', $offsetbase + $offset + 9),
+                                       (map {chr}
+                                               0xCD, 0x37, 0x4A,  # call _puts
+                                               0xC3, 0xAA, 0x55,  # jp _getkey
+                                       ),
+                               ),
+                               2 => join('',
+                                       (map {chr}
+                                               0x21, 0, 0x1C,  # ld hl, $POS
+                                               0x22, 0x7C, 0xC3, # ld (_penCol), hl
+                                               0x21,  # ld hl, MESSAGE
+                                       ),
+                                       pack('v', $offsetbase + $offset + 15),
+                                       (map {chr}
+                                               0xCD, 0xA5, 0x4A, # call _vputs
+                                               0xC3, 0xAA, 0x55, # jp _getkey
+                                       ),
+                               ),
+                       );
+                       while (my ($finish, $match) = each %FINISHCODE) {
+                               $match eq substr $code, 0, length $match or next;
+                               $data->{finish}->{type} = $finish and
+                               $data->{finish}->{message} = unpack 'Z*', substr($code, length $match);
+                               last;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       return $data;
+=head1 NAME
+Games::Wormy::TICalcLevels - Read Wormy levelset from a compiled TI-86 file
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+       my $levelset = Games::Wormy::TICalcLevels->read($filecontents);
+       print $levelset->{name};
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Mischa POSLAWSKY <>
+=head1 LICENSE
+LGPL version 3.
diff --git a/lib/Games/Wormy/ b/lib/Games/Wormy/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3a729ed
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+package Games::Wormy::WormEdit;
+use 5.010;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Parse::Binary::Nested qw(unpackf);
+our $VERSION = '1.00';
+our %MAGICID = (
+       "WormEdit053\000LVL" => 53,
+       "WormEdit\34195\000LVL" => 95,
+       "WormEdit\34194\000LVL" => 94,
+       "WormEdit\34193\000LVL" => 93,
+sub read {
+       my ($self, $input, $override) = @_;
+       my ($id, $version) = (substr($input, 0, 15), ord substr($input, 15, 1));
+       my $fileversion = $MAGICID{$id}
+               or die "File does not match any known WormEdit level header\n";
+       if ($override) {
+               warn "Override version $version to $override\n";
+               $version = $override;
+       }
+       elsif ($version != $fileversion) {
+               warn "Unexpected version $version (expecting $fileversion)\n";
+       }
+       elsif ($version == 95) {
+               # auto-detect exact variant
+               if (ord substr($input, 70, 1) ~~ [1 .. 8]) {
+                       # valid sprite length instead of description byte
+                       # (which is usually a letter or nul)
+                       $version = 94;
+               }
+               elsif (ord substr($input, 147, 1) == 0) {
+                       # nul of finish type is 2 bytes later (unlike first char of message)
+                       $version = 96;
+               }
+               warn "Ambiguous file version 95; guessing subversion $version\n";
+       };
+       $fileversion += 100 if $fileversion < 90;  # 93..95 came before 50..53
+       my @FORMAT = (
+               magic       => 'a15',
+               version     => 'C',
+               name        => 'C/a32',
+               description => 'C/a64x256',
+               levelcount  => [1,
+                       single => 'C',
+                       multi  => 'C',
+                       race   => 'C',
+                       ctf    => 'C',
+                       total  => 'C',
+               ],
+               moderef     => [1,
+                       map { (start => $_, end => $_) } [1,
+                               single     => 'C',
+                               peaworm    => 'C',
+                               tron       => 'C',
+                               deathmatch => 'C',
+                               foodmatch  => 'C',
+                               multifood  => 'C',
+                               timematch  => 'C',
+                               race       => 'C',
+                               ctf        => 'C',
+                               reserved   => 'x',
+                       ],
+               ],
+               sprite     => ['8C',
+                       line => 'B8',
+               ],
+               finish      => [1,
+                       type    => 's',
+                       message => 'C/a255',
+                       code    => 'C/a255',
+                       reserved=> 'x256',
+               ],
+               hiname      => 'a3',
+               levels      => ['*', # levelcount->total actually
+                       id         => 'C/a22',
+                       name       => 'C/a22',
+                       size       => 'C',
+                       peas       => 'C',
+                       delay      => 'C',
+                       growth     => 'C',
+                       bsize      => 'C',
+                       sprite     => ['8C',
+                               line => 'B8',
+                       ],
+                       balls      => ['32C',
+                               y   => 'C',
+                               x   => 'C',
+                               dir => 'C',
+                       ],
+                       worms      => [4,
+                               d => 'C',
+                               y => 'C',
+                               x => 'C',
+                       ],
+                       width      => 'C',
+                       height     => 'C',
+                       flags      => [2,
+                               y => 'C',
+                               x => 'C',
+                       ],
+                       objects    => ['128C',
+                               type => 'C',
+                               x1   => 'C',
+                               y1   => 'C',
+                               x2   => 'C',
+                               y2   => 'C',
+                       ],
+               ],
+       );
+       given ($fileversion) {
+               when (153) { } # current @FORMAT
+                       $FORMAT[7] = 'C/a64'; # no reserved space after description
+                       splice @{ $FORMAT[15] }, -2; # finish reserve
+                       $FORMAT[-1]->[-1]->[0] = '32C'; # less objects
+                       ref $_ and pop @$_ for @{ $FORMAT[11] }; # 9 moderefs
+               when ($version == 96) { }
+                       ref $_ and pop @$_ for @{ $FORMAT[11] }; # only 8 moderefs (no ctf)
+                       splice @FORMAT, 6, 2 if $version <= 94;  # earlier version without description
+               when (95) { }
+                       splice @{ $FORMAT[7] }, 4, 2;  # no race
+                       splice @{ $FORMAT[13] }, 4, 2; # no enddata
+                       splice @{ $FORMAT[-1] }, 1, 2; # no name
+               when (94) { }
+                       splice @FORMAT, 14, 2; # no hiname
+                       $FORMAT[-1]->[0] = 64; # constant amount of levels
+               when (93) { }
+               default {
+                       die "Cannot parse data for Wormedit $fileversion/$version\n";
+               }
+       }
+       # convert to an easily accessible hash
+       push @FORMAT, -trail => 'a*';
+       my $data = unpackf(\@FORMAT, $input);
+       warn "Trailing data left unparsed\n" if length delete $data->{-trail};
+       $data->{format} = 'WormEdit';
+       return $data;
+=head1 NAME
+Games::Wormy::WormEdit - Read Wormy levelset from a wormedit file
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+       my $levelset = Games::Wormy::WormEdit->read($filecontents);
+       print $levelset->{name};
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Mischa POSLAWSKY <>
+=head1 LICENSE
+LGPL version 3.
index 43593a87a3eded5412303800578b063ea276589c..4c4358f875a7a37bcf3e678badac5973582a06a3 100755 (executable)
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use 5.010;
+use lib 'lib';  # make runnable for simple cases
 use Data::Dumper;
 use Getopt::Long 2.33 qw(HelpMessage :config bundling);
+use Games::Wormy::TICalcLevels;
+use Games::Wormy::WormEdit;
-our $VERSION = '1.04';
+our $VERSION = '1.05';
 GetOptions(\my %opt,
        'raw|r',  # full output
        'version=i',  # force version
 ) or HelpMessage(-exitval => 2);
-package Shiar_Parse::WormEdit;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Parse::Binary::Nested qw(unpackf);
-our %MAGICID = (
-       "WormEdit053\000LVL" => 53,
-       "WormEdit\34195\000LVL" => 95,
-       "WormEdit\34194\000LVL" => 94,
-       "WormEdit\34193\000LVL" => 93,
-my @FORMAT = (
-       magic       => 'a15',
-       version     => 'C',
-       name        => 'C/a32',
-       description => 'C/a64x256',
-       levelcount  => [1,
-               single => 'C',
-               multi  => 'C',
-               race   => 'C',
-               ctf    => 'C',
-               total  => 'C',
-       ],
-       moderef     => [1,
-               map { (start => $_, end => $_) } [1,
-                       single     => 'C',
-                       peaworm    => 'C',
-                       tron       => 'C',
-                       deathmatch => 'C',
-                       foodmatch  => 'C',
-                       multifood  => 'C',
-                       timematch  => 'C',
-                       race       => 'C',
-                       ctf        => 'C',
-                       reserved   => 'x',
-               ],
-       ],
-       sprite     => ['8C',
-               line => 'B8',
-       ],
-       finish      => [1,
-               type    => 's',
-               message => 'C/a255',
-               code    => 'C/a255',
-               reserved=> 'x256',
-       ],
-       hiname      => 'a3',
-       levels      => ['*', # levelcount->total actually
-               id         => 'C/a22',
-               name       => 'C/a22',
-               size       => 'C',
-               peas       => 'C',
-               delay      => 'C',
-               growth     => 'C',
-               bsize      => 'C',
-               sprite     => ['8C',
-                       line => 'B8',
-               ],
-               balls      => ['32C',
-                       y   => 'C',
-                       x   => 'C',
-                       dir => 'C',
-               ],
-               worms      => [4,
-                       d => 'C',
-                       y => 'C',
-                       x => 'C',
-               ],
-               width      => 'C',
-               height     => 'C',
-               flags      => [2,
-                       y => 'C',
-                       x => 'C',
-               ],
-               objects    => ['128C',
-                       type => 'C',
-                       x1   => 'C',
-                       y1   => 'C',
-                       x2   => 'C',
-                       y2   => 'C',
-               ],
-       ],
-sub read {
-       my ($self, $input) = @_;
-       my ($id, $version) = (substr($input, 0, 15), ord substr($input, 15, 1));
-       my $fileversion = $MAGICID{$id}
-               or die "File does not match any known WormEdit level header\n";
-       if ($opt{version}) {
-               warn "Override version $version to $opt{version}\n";
-               $version = $opt{version};
-       }
-       elsif ($version != $fileversion) {
-               warn "Unexpected version $version (expecting $fileversion)\n";
-       }
-       elsif ($version == 95) {
-               # auto-detect exact variant
-               if (ord substr($input, 70, 1) ~~ [1 .. 8]) {
-                       # valid sprite length instead of description byte
-                       # (which is usually a letter or nul)
-                       $version = 94;
-               }
-               elsif (ord substr($input, 147, 1) == 0) {
-                       # nul of finish type is 2 bytes later (unlike first char of message)
-                       $version = 96;
-               }
-               warn "Ambiguous file version 95; guessing subversion $version\n";
-       };
-       $fileversion += 100 if $fileversion < 90;  # 93..95 came before 50..53
-       given ($fileversion) {
-               when (153) { } # current @FORMAT
-                       $FORMAT[7] = 'C/a64'; # no reserved space after description
-                       splice @{ $FORMAT[15] }, -2; # finish reserve
-                       $FORMAT[-1]->[-1]->[0] = '32C'; # less objects
-                       ref $_ and pop @$_ for @{ $FORMAT[11] }; # 9 moderefs
-               when ($version == 96) { }
-                       ref $_ and pop @$_ for @{ $FORMAT[11] }; # only 8 moderefs (no ctf)
-                       splice @FORMAT, 6, 2 if $version <= 94;  # earlier version without description
-               when (95) { }
-                       splice @{ $FORMAT[7] }, 4, 2;  # no race
-                       splice @{ $FORMAT[13] }, 4, 2; # no enddata
-                       splice @{ $FORMAT[-1] }, 1, 2; # no name
-               when (94) { }
-                       splice @FORMAT, 14, 2; # no hiname
-                       $FORMAT[-1]->[0] = 64; # constant amount of levels
-               when (93) { }
-               default {
-                       die "Cannot parse data for Wormedit $fileversion/$version\n";
-               }
-       }
-       # convert to an easily accessible hash
-       push @FORMAT, -trail => 'a*';
-       my $data = unpackf(\@FORMAT, $input);
-       warn "Trailing data left unparsed\n" if length delete $data->{-trail};
-       $data->{format} = 'WormEdit';
-       return $data;
-package Shiar_Parse::WormyLevel;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use List::Util qw(sum min max);
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Parse::Binary::Nested qw(unpackf);
-sub read {
-       my ($self, $input) = @_;
-       my ($psize, $ptype, $size, $type, $vsize, $dsize, $id, $version) = unpack q{
-               x11 x42    # file signature and comment
-               S a2 S a2  # file size, type; data size, type
-               x8         # var name
-               S S        # var size; content size
-               CC         # wormy header
-       }, $input;
-       $ptype eq "\014\000"
-               or die "Not a calculator string, thus cannot be a Wormy level file\n";
-       $size == $psize - 16
-               or warn "File size ($size) does not correspond with data size ($psize)\n";
-       $type eq "\014\010"
-               or die "Not a calculator string, thus cannot be a Wormy level file\n";
-       $size == $vsize and $vsize == $dsize+2
-               or warn "Mismatch in string data size declarations\n";
-#      substr($input, -2) eq $CHECKSUM
-       $input = substr $input, 73, -2;
-       $id eq ord 'w'
-               or die "Wormy level identifier not found\n";
-       if ($opt{version}) {
-               warn "Override version $version to $opt{version}\n";
-               $version = $opt{version};
-       }
-       elsif ($version == 95) {
-               # level offset instead of description byte
-               $version-- if (unpack('x2Z*x2xC', $input))[1] == 0xF4;
-               warn "Ambiguous file version 95; guessing subversion $version\n";
-       }
-       my @FORMAT = (
-               magic       => 'a1',
-               version     => 'C',
-               name        => 'Z*',
-               description => 'Z*',
-               levelcount  => [1,
-                       total  => 'S',
-               ],
-               moderef     => [1,
-                       map { (
-                               offset => [1, map {$_ => 'S'} @$_], # byte location of start
-                               end    => [1, map {$_ => 'C'} @$_],
-                       ) }
-                       [qw/single peaworm tron deathmatch foodmatch multifood timematch race ctf/]
-               ],
-               theanswer => 'x', # 42
-               sprite     => ['C',
-                       line => 'B8',
-               ],
-               leveldata => 'a*',
-               #levels
-               #finish code
-               #levels-multi
-               #hinames
-       );
-       my @LEVELFORM = (
-               peas       => 'C',
-               delay      => 'C',
-               growth     => 'C',
-               bsize      => 'C',
-               sprite     => ['C',
-                       line => 'B8',
-               ],
-               balls      => ['C',
-                       y   => 'C',
-                       x   => 'C',
-                       dir => 'C',
-               ],
-               worms      => [1,
-                       d => 'C',
-                       y => 'C',
-                       x => 'C',
-               ],
-               width      => 'C',
-               height     => 'C',
-               flags      => [0,
-                       y => 'C',
-                       x => 'C',
-               ],
-               objects    => ['?0',
-                       type => 'C',
-                       x1   => 'C',
-                       y1   => 'C',
-                       x2   => 'C',
-                       y2   => 'C',
-               ],
-       );
-       my $offsetbase = 0xF080;
-       my @VARMODES = (
-               [qw'single  single'],
-               [qw'multi   peaworm tron deathmatch foodmatch multifood timematch'],
-               [qw'race    race'],
-               [qw'ctf     ctf'],
-       );
-       given ($version) {
-               when (97) {
-                       # current @FORMAT
-               }
-                       $offsetbase = 0xF400;
-               when (96) {}
-                       ref $_ and splice(@$_, -8, 2) for @{ $FORMAT[11] }; # no multifood
-                       splice @FORMAT, 12, 2;  # no reserved byte
-               when (95) {}
-                       splice @FORMAT, 6, 2;  # no description
-               when (94) {}
-               when (90) {
-                       $FORMAT[5] = 'C/a';  # length-preceding name
-                       splice @FORMAT, 10, 2;  # no default sprite
-                       ref $_ and do {
-                               $_->[5] = $_->[7];  # no tron; deathmatch instead
-                               $_->[7] = $_->[9];  # foodmatch instead
-                               $_->[9] = 'linkmatch';  # replaces timematch
-                               $_->[11] = $_->[13];  # race
-                               $_->[13] = $_->[15];  # ctf
-                               $_->[15] = 'domination';
-                       } for @{ $FORMAT[9] }; # no multifood
-                       splice @LEVELFORM, -2;
-                       push @LEVELFORM, "objects$_" => ['C',
-                               type => "=$_",
-                               map {$_ => 'C'} qw(x1 y1 x2 y2)
-                       ] for 2, 3;
-                       # peaworm/tron mode do not take multiplayer levels
-                       splice @VARMODES, 1, 0, ['peaworm', splice @{ $VARMODES[1] }, 1, 2];
-               }
-               default {
-                       die "Unsupported level version $version\n";
-               }
-       }
-       my $data = unpackf(\@FORMAT, $input);
-       my $offset = 0;
-       $offsetbase += 1 + @{ $data->{sprite} } if $data->{sprite};
-       $data->{moderef}->{offset}->{single} == $offsetbase
-               or warn "First singleplayer level is not in front\n";
-       my $slots = sum(grep {defined}
-               $data->{moderef}->{end}->{single} > 0,  # singleplayer slot if any levels
-               $data->{moderef}->{end}->{peaworm},     # one for each peaworm arena
-               $data->{moderef}->{end}->{tron},        # idem for tron
-       );
-       $data->{hinames} = [ unpack '(x2a3)*', substr($data->{leveldata}, -5 * $slots) ];
-       $data->{format} = '86s';
-       $data->{levels} = [];
-       for my $modes (@VARMODES) {
-               my $variant = shift @$modes;
-               my @modeoffsets = grep {defined} #TODO: comment
-                       map { $data->{moderef}->{offset}->{$_} } @$modes;
-               @modeoffsets or next;
-               $data->{levelcount}->{$variant} = 0;
-               $offset = min(grep {$_} @modeoffsets) or next;
-               $offset -= $offsetbase;
-               my $amount = $variant eq 'single' ? 100
-                       : max(grep {defined} map { $data->{moderef}->{end}->{$_} } @$modes);
-               my @varform = @LEVELFORM;
-               $varform[13]->[0] = $variant ~~ ['single', 'peaworm'] ? 1 : 4; # worms
-               unshift @varform, name => 'Z*' unless $variant eq 'single' or $version <= 91;
-               $varform[-3]->[0] = 1 if $variant eq 'race' and $version > 91;
-               $varform[-3]->[0] = 2 if $variant eq 'ctf';
-               push @varform, size => '=.';
-               my $parselevel = Parse::Binary::Nested->new(\@varform);
-               while ($offset < length $data->{leveldata}) {
-                       last if substr($data->{leveldata}, $offset, 1) eq chr(255);
-                       # find references to this level offset, and set start number to matching modes
-                       while (my ($mode, $location) = each %{ $data->{moderef}->{offset} }) {
-                               $location == $offset + $offsetbase or next;
-                               $data->{moderef}->{start}->{$mode} = 1 + scalar @{ $data->{levels} };
-                       }
-                       my $level = $parselevel->unpackf(substr $data->{leveldata}, $offset);
-                       $level->{offset} = $offset + $offsetbase;
-                       # add objects until terminator
-                       $level->{objects} = [];
-               if ($version <= 91) {
-                       ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' and push @{ $level->{objects} }, @$_
-                               for map { delete $level->{"objects$_"} } 2, 3;
-               }
-                       # add parsed level and advance
-                       push @{ $data->{levels} }, $level;
-                       $offset += $level->{size};
-                       last if ++$data->{levelcount}->{$variant} >= $amount;
-               }
-               if ($variant eq 'single') {
-                       $offset++;
-                       $data->{finish}->{code} =
-                       my $code = substr $data->{leveldata}, $offset, -5*$slots;
-                       my %FINISHCODE = (
-                               0 => chr 0xC9, # ret
-                               1 => join('',
-                                       chr 0x21,  # ld hl, MESSAGE
-                                       pack('v', $offsetbase + $offset + 9),
-                                       (map {chr}
-                                               0xCD, 0x37, 0x4A,  # call _puts
-                                               0xC3, 0xAA, 0x55,  # jp _getkey
-                                       ),
-                               ),
-                               2 => join('',
-                                       (map {chr}
-                                               0x21, 0, 0x1C,  # ld hl, $POS
-                                               0x22, 0x7C, 0xC3, # ld (_penCol), hl
-                                               0x21,  # ld hl, MESSAGE
-                                       ),
-                                       pack('v', $offsetbase + $offset + 15),
-                                       (map {chr}
-                                               0xCD, 0xA5, 0x4A, # call _vputs
-                                               0xC3, 0xAA, 0x55, # jp _getkey
-                                       ),
-                               ),
-                       );
-                       while (my ($finish, $match) = each %FINISHCODE) {
-                               $match eq substr $code, 0, length $match or next;
-                               $data->{finish}->{type} = $finish and
-                               $data->{finish}->{message} = unpack 'Z*', substr($code, length $match);
-                               last;
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       return $data;
-package main;
 my @OBJTYPE = ('none', 'line', 'fat line', 'bar', 'circle');
 my @ENDTYPE = ('none', 'message', 'small message');
@@ -425,11 +36,11 @@ local $/;
 my $rawdata = readline;
 if (substr($rawdata, 0, 11) eq "**TI86**\032\012\000") {
        # compiled calculator file
-       $data = Shiar_Parse::WormyLevel->read($rawdata);
+       $data = Games::Wormy::TICalcLevels->read($rawdata, $opt{version});
 elsif (substr($rawdata, 0, 8) eq 'WormEdit') {
        # original wormedit source
-       $data = Shiar_Parse::WormEdit->read($rawdata);
+       $data = Games::Wormy::WormEdit->read($rawdata, $opt{version});
 else {
        die "Unrecognised file type\n";