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This file contains Wormy as well as a few levels. Then you simply run Wormy by typing asm(wormy or by using some shell (just no AShell.) When multiple levelfiles are present, you have to choose one first. Next, you'll get in the main menu. Use up and down to choose an option, left and right to alter it, and 2nd or enter to select. - Mode - change gamemode (further details below). Select it to start. - Level - select the (starting) level. Selecting it allows you to customize some stuff for multiplayer levels. - Link - toggle linkplay. Remember to activate it on _both_ calcs. - Worms - set the number of players (upto 4) and teams (1 or 2). - worm - select it to alter the selected player's name. - controls - select and press your buttons for left and right. ______ _____ __ _ . _______ ______ _____ _______ | \ | | | \ | ' | | \ | |______ |_____/ |_____| | \_| | |_____/ __|__ |______ That's really all you have to do. Avoid your worm from crashing into anything (walls, bouncies, and worms; including yourself) by turning it left/right. Default controls are: [1] left/right [2] F1/F2 [3] sto/, [4] enter/+ but they can be altered to anything except these two keys: [EXIT] - this will always exit to the game-over screen. [MORE] - will pause and allow you to change contrast 'n stuff. _ _ _ _______ ______ _____ __ _ _______ | | | |______ | | | \ | | | \ | |______ |__|__| |______ |_____ |_____ |_____/ |_____| | \_| |______ At the end of each game, the stats-screen will be displayed. It shows the score and deaths for each worm, and hiscore for singleplayer games. The winner(s) of multiplayer games will be denoted with an *. Hit enter to return to the main menu. ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _____ ______ _______ _______ | ____ |_____| | | | |______ | | | | | | \ |______ |______ |_____| | | | | | |______ | | | |_____| |_____/ |______ ______| SINGLEPLAYER Get all the food to proceed to the next PEAWORM level. You can start in Like Scabby's any level you have been before. TRON original Peaworm; DEATH- Your just get as many FOODMATCH MATCH tail peas as you can Deathmatch Multiplay- doesnt in a single level. with food. er game in go away. The one who which u try Try to sur- reaches the to kill the vive as long score-limit other worm(s) as possible. first, wins. before they kill you. There's no food, TIMEMATCH but by default worms slowly Try to stay get larger over time. alive longer RACE than the other All worms players. If the have to move growth is set to 1 aound like race-cars. you will get a nice For each completed lap multiplayer Tron-game. you'll get 20 points. CTF BTW Get the Unless enemy flag specified and return it otherwise, to your own flag. you'll loose You won't loose points 10 points for for dieing, and players 1+3 dieing, but earn and 2+4 are teamed together. 10 for eating a pea. _______ _ _ _______ _______ | |______ \ / |______ | |______ |_____ |______ \/ |______ |_____ ______| Wormy comes together with WORMEDIT, the Wormy level editor for DOS I wrote. Start wormedit.exe and make some kick-ass levels! (Please do!!) Also send me your levels so I can put them on my page. More info at shiar.org. _____ _______ _______ _____ _ _ ______ _______ _______ | | |______ | | | | | |_____/ |______ |______ |_____| | |_____ |_____| |_____| | \_ ______| |______ Argh, a disclaimer :( Just note Wormy was a non-profit project which took a lot of my (spare) time, so please don't go demand stuff (fixes, features..) or sue me (f)or anything. By default I am not responsible for any damage Wormy causes. Furthermore, you may not: release an altered version of Wormy (the source has been included for learning practises ONLY), distribute it w/o this readme file included (plz leave the zipfile intact). Any questions and stuff, just _ask_ me! _ _ _____ _______ _______ _____ ______ __ __ |_____| | |______ | | | |_____/ \_/ | | __|__ ______| | |_____| | \_ | This is a short historical overview of Worm(y): (facts may not match reality) - End 1998 - Matthew Shepcar releases Peaworm, worm in its simplest form - Scabby didnt release another version with levels and vertical scrolling - End 1999 - I (Shiar) got his permission to entirely screw up his Worm >:) - Jonah Cohen helped me for a while, but soon he either died or got bored - June 2000 - Worm just didn't want to work correctly (linkplay problems mostly), so I decided to take a break to continue later.. - Feb 2001 - After a huge break I figured it's time to complete Worm(y) - March 2002 - Completed at last, and everyone lived happily ever after _______ ______ _______ ______ _____ _______ _______ | |_____/ |______ | \ | | |______ |_____ | \_ |______ |_____/ __|__ | ______| EMAiL wormy@shiar.org Please send me comments, fanmail and your levels! WWWW http://shiar.org Be sure to visit :) Lotsa stuff for your ticalc iRC shiar @ #ti [efnet] Idling here. Matthew Shepcar - for writing the original Peaworm and Wonderworm Jonah Cohen - wrote some parts of Worm (like scrolling) Free Bird - (forced) calc2calc linkplay testing Willyslice - some excellent betatesting John Nesler - more betatesting Many More - betatesters too much.. - to list Aaron Curtis - doesn't fit in layout yet :( _____________________________________________________________________________