; Title : Wormy ; Version : 93% ; Release Date : summer 2001 ; Filename : wormy.86p (5kb) ; Author(s) : Shiar ; Email Address : shiar0@hotmail.com ; ICQ UIN : #43840958 ; Web Page : www.shiar.org ; Description : ruling Nibbles-like game 1-4 players ; Where to get this game : www.shiar.org (home of Wormy) ; Other games by author(s) : Nemesis beta ; Additional Credits to : Matthew Shepcar (wrote original Peaworm, end'98) ; Jonah Cohen (helped writing worm) ;----------------------------- ;----------- TO-DO ----------- ;----------------------------- ; 93% = DONE ; * internal levels ; * check levels/gametype ; * enough hiscore saves! ; * complete readme ; 1% * misc (pollish, bugs, &&&) ; * LINK ; 2% * fix deaths linkplay and transmit game/level data ; 2% * make linkplay available for all gametypes (not just deathmatch) ; * CTF ; 1% * fix pea XOR problem in ctf (+dom?) ; * fix wormstop ; 1% * domination?: take control points by running over them and hold them ;100% = bugs fixed + levels done ;----------------------------- ;----------------------------- ;--------- W O R M --------- ;----------------------------- ;----------------------------- #define buffer ;use display buffer (otherwise write directly to screen) #define readymask ;"grays" out the field before starting a level ;#define readytext ;displays "prepare" before level starts ;#define invincible ;worms cannot die =) #define cal call #define psh push #define dnz djnz #include "asm86.h" #include "ti86asm.inc" _SHRACC = $4383 _SHLACC = $438B _divHLby10 = $4044 ;hl=hl/10 _divAby10 = $4DAF ;a=a/10 _HLTIMES10 = $41BF ;hl=hl*10 _cphlde = $403C _clrWindow = $4A86 ;clear screen _asapvar = $D6FC ;own name (worm) _MOV4B = $429B ;4x ld (de),(hl) _MOV5B = $4297 ;5x ld (de),(hl) _mov9b = $4283 ;9x ld (de),(hl) _ldHLind = $4010 ;ld hl,(hl) _swapt_ = $45F3 ;ex_ahl_bde _Get_Word_ahl = $521D ;ld de,(ahl) _Set_Word_ahl = $5221 ;ld (ahl),de _INC_PTR_AHL = $4637 ;ahl=ahl+1 _AHL_PLUS_2_PG3 = $4C3F ;ahl=ahl+2 _SET_ABS_SRC_ADDR = $4647 ;set source for mm.ldir =ahl _LOAD_ABS_SRC_ADDR = $5209 ;ahl = mm.ldir source _SET_ABS_DEST_ADDR = $5285 ;set destination for mm.ldir = ahl _SET_MM_NUM_BYTES = $464F ;number of bytes for mm.ldir = ahl _mm_ldir = $52ED ;24bit ldir _RAM_PAGE_1 = $47E3 ;set $8000+ to page 1 _RAM_PAGE_7 = $47F3 _PTEMP_END = $D29A ;end of VAT _load_ram_ahl = $462F ;ahl->page+hl _writeb_inc_ahl = $5567 ;ld (ahl),c _jforce = $409C ;TI-OS stack restored _EXLP = $4493 ;swap (hl),(de) b times ;----------------------------- ;------- data storage ------- ;----------------------------- ;--- permanent ScrBuffer = $8820 ;-A7FF (20*FF=1FE0) worm2p = $A800 ;-ABFF (400) %10101O00 worm1 = $AC00 ;-AC1D (31d) worm2 = $AC1F ;-AC3B (1F) worm3 = $AC3E ;-AC59 (1F) worm4 = $AC5D ;-AC77 (1F) balls = $AC7C ;-ACFF (3x43d) SinCosTable = $AD00 ;-AE00 (4x40) ;free $AE01 ;-AFFF (1FF) worm1p = $B000 ;-B7FF (800) %1011O000 worm3p = $B800 ;-BBFF (400) %10111O00 ;free $BF91 ;-BFFF (6F) ;program $D748 ;-E7FF (106D+4A) ;free $E800 ;-EFFF (800) worm4p = $F000 ;-F3FF (400) %11110O00 leveldata = $F400 ;-FA70 (<=671) peaspos = $AE01 ;--- temporary namelength = $BC00 ;(1) @menu #ifdef buffer DispBuffer = $BC00 ;(10x57d) @game #else DispBuffer = $FC70 #endif ;----------------------------- ;------- program start ------- ;----------------------------- .org _asm_exec_ram wormVhost = 093 wormVclient = 193 start: nop jp Start .dw 1 .dw WormTxt .dw WormIcon WormTxt: .db "WORMY by SHIAR -- alpha 93%",0 WormIcon: .db 9,2 .db %10010110,%01101111 .db %10110101,%01001011 .db %01110011,%01001001 .db %00000011,%10000000 .db %00000001,%11100000 .db %00111000,%11111000 .db %01111110,%00111111 .db %11101111,%00001111 .db %11000011,%10000000 levelhead = 'w' levelhead2 = 93 ;wormy levels header = "93" int_handler: ex af,af' in a,($03) bit 3,a jp z,$0039 res 0,a out ($03),a jp $0039 int_end: Start: ld (SpSave),sp cal _runindicoff cal _flushallmenus im 1 ld a,$D4 ld h,a ld l,0 ;ld hl,$D400 ld d,a ld e,1 ;ld de,$D401 ld b,e ld c,l ;ld bc,$0100 dec a ;ld a,$D3 ld (hl),a ldir ld hl,int_handler ld d,a ld e,a ;ld de,$D3D3 ld bc,int_end-int_handler ldir inc a ;ld a,$D4 ld i,a im 2 cal _RAM_PAGE_7 ld hl,$BFFF ;VAT start ld bc,templevels searchloop: ld de,(_PTEMP_END+1) ;VAT end or a ;nc sbc hl,de ;hl" ld hl,$0004 ld (_curRow),hl pop hl ld a,(hl) cp 255 ;&& jr nz,displevel ld hl,templevels-3 ld a,(hl) displevel: inc hl ld d,(hl) inc hl ld e,(hl) inc hl ;ade=(hl) psh hl ;HL ld c,a ld h,d ld l,e ;cde=ahl=(hl) cal _load_ram_ahl ;hl=ahl ld b,(hl) ;b=title size psh bc cal _putps ;destr=abchl pop bc ;cde=hl pop hl ;HL levselect: halt psh hl psh de psh bc cal GET_KEY pop bc pop de pop hl cp K_RIGHT jr z,dispnextlevel sub K_SECOND jr z,loadlevel dec a ;K_EXIT ret z cp K_ENTER-K_EXIT+256 jr nz,levselect loadlevel: ld a,c or a ;levelfile on page 0 (=internal) jr z,levelloaded ex de,hl ;ahl=cde inc b ;b=titlesize+1 skiptitle: cal _INC_PTR_AHL dnz skiptitle cal _Get_Word_ahl ld (leveldataSize),de ld d,8 ;counter ld bc,datalevels-2 cal loadgametype ld (hilvlposa),a ld (hilvlposhl),hl ld d,4 cal loadgametype cal _SET_ABS_SRC_ADDR ;levelsstart xor a ld hl,leveldata cal _SET_ABS_DEST_ADDR ;store in mem. ld hl,0 leveldataSize =$-2 cal _SET_MM_NUM_BYTES cal _mm_ldir cal _LOAD_ABS_SRC_ADDR ;->ahl ld (hiscrposa),a ld (hiscrposhl),hl cal _RAM_PAGE_1 ld hl,leveldata ld de,defsprsize ldi ;(de),(hl)\inc hl ld (defsprite),hl levelloaded: cal _RAM_PAGE_1 res 2,(iy+13) ;appAutoScroll ld a,r ld (Seed),a ;----------------------------- ;----- build trig tables ----- ;----------------------------- ld hl,TrigPrecalc ld de,SinCosTable psh de ; >> 1 ld bc,65 ldir dec hl ld b,63 MirrorSineWave: dec hl ld a,(hl) ld (de),a inc de dnz MirrorSineWave pop hl ; << 0k ld b,128+64 NegativeSineWave: xor a sub (hl) ld (de),a inc hl inc de dnz NegativeSineWave ;----------------------------- ;---------- menu ------------- ;----------------------------- DisplayMenu: ;---draw menu--- cal _clrWindow ld de,$FC40 ;(0,4) ld hl,wtPicture ld bc,16*16 ldir ld hl,txtMenu ld ix,posMenu ld b,6 dispmenuloop: ld d,(ix) inc ix ld e,(ix) inc ix ld (_penCol),de cal _vputs ;Mode \ Level \ Limit \ Worms \ worm # \ controls dnz dispmenuloop ld b,0 ;b=menu# jr setgame ;> dispmenusets > mainMenu ;--- menu loop --- mainMenu: cal menupos cal menucall jr nz,notselect select: ;2nd/enter cal menupos ld a,b sub 4 ;4th item? jp z,changeworms dec a ;5th? jp z,changekeys jp LetsGetThisPartyOn ;1/2/3/5 notselect cp K_EXIT jp z,ExitNoStats psh af cal menupos cal loadgamecar inc hl pop af cp K_LEFT jr z,selleft cp K_RIGHT ld a,b jr nz,mainMenu selright: or a jr z,changegame dec a jp z,changelevel ;&&&jr?? dec a jr z,changelives dec a jr z,changenrworms ; dec a ; jr z,changecurworm changecurworm: ; hl=nrworms ld a,(curworm) cp (hl) jr nc,mainMenu ;may not become >(nrworms) inc a changedcurworm: ld (curworm),a jp dispmenusets ;mainMenu selleft: ld a,b or a jr z,bchangegame dec a jr z,bchangelevel dec a jr z,bchangelives dec a jr z,bchangenrworms ; dec a ; jr z,bchangecurworm bchangecurworm: ld a,(curworm) dec a ;0-3 jr nz,changedcurworm ;save >0 jr mainMenu changenrworms: ld a,(Gametype) cp 2 jr c,mainMenu ;type 0/1 ;hl=nrworms ld a,(hl) inc a cp 5 jr nc,mainMenu ;may not be >4 changednrworms: ld (hl),a jr dispmenusets ;mainMenu bchangenrworms: ;hl=nrworms ld a,(hl) dec a ;0-3 jr nz,changednrworms ;save >0 _mainMenu: jr mainMenu changegame: ld a,0 Gametype =$-1 inc a changedgame: and 7 ;mod 8 ld (Gametype),a setgame: ld a,1 ld (curlevel),a ;reset level# jr dispmenusets ;mainMenu bchangegame: ld a,(Gametype) dec a jr changedgame changelives: cal changelivesInit inc a cp 100 jr nc,_mainMenu ;&& _? changedlives: ld (hl),a jr dispmenusets ;mainMenu bchangelives: cal changelivesInit dec a jr z,_mainMenu jr changedlives changelivesInit: cal loadgamecar ;c=(gameCar) ;a=(hl)=(Gametype+1)=(wormbeglives) ld a,(Gametype) ;&&& cp 3 ld a,(hl) ret nc ;change lives pop hl ;restore stack jr _mainMenu ;singleplayer (no limit) changelevel: ld hl,Gametype ld d,0 ld e,(hl) ld hl,nrlevels add hl,de ld d,(hl) ;max level for sel.game curlevel =$+1 ld a,1 cp d jr z,_mainMenu inc a changedlevel: ld (curlevel),a jr dispmenusets ;mainMenu bchangelevel: ld a,(curlevel) dec a jr nz,changedlevel jr _mainMenu getcustomkey: cal _vputs dec ix waitcustomkey: halt \ halt psh hl cal GET_KEY pop hl or a jr z,waitcustomkey cp K_EXIT ret z cp K_MORE jr z,waitcustomkey ld (ix),a ret changekeys: cal getwormname ld hl,txtKeyleft cal getcustomkey ;left cal getcustomkey ;right ; jr dispmenusets ;---display current settings--- dispmenusets: ld hl,$FD97 ;begin pos ld de,7 ;bytes to add ld a,35 ;nr of lines clroldsettings: ld c,9 ;bytes to clear clroldsetsloop: ld (hl),d ;=0 inc hl dec c jr nz,clroldsetsloop add hl,de dec a jr nz,clroldsettings ld de,$183E ld (_penCol),de ld d,0 ld a,(Gametype) ld e,a ld hl,posGame add hl,de ;hl=posGame+(Gametype) ld a,(hl) ;str.offset ld e,a ;^d=0^ ld hl,txtGame add hl,de ;txtGameX ld (CURtxtGame),hl ;save for g/o cal _vputs ;Singleplayer ld hl,$1E3E ;level ld (_penCol),hl ld a,(curlevel) cal cshowA cal loadgamecar psh hl ld hl,$243E ld (_penCol),hl cal cshowA ;liveslimit sub '0' ;original A ld l,a ld a,c and _datascore ld a,' ' jr z,limitok ld a,'0' limitok: cal _vputmap ;x10 ld hl,$2A3E ;worms ld (_penCol),hl pop hl ;cal loadgamecar inc hl ld a,(hl) add a,'0' cal _vputmap ld hl,$3032 ld (_penCol),hl ld a,1 curworm =$-1 add a,'0' cal _vputmap ld hl,$303E ld (_penCol),hl cal getwormname ld hl,worm1name-18 add hl,de cal _vputs ld hl,$363E ;controls ld (_penCol),hl ; ld hl,txtMenu ; cal _vputs jp mainMenu ;--- handle menukeys --- menucall: psh bc menuwaitkey: halt \ halt cal GET_KEY or a jr z,menuwaitkey pop bc ;GET_KEY destr. b cp K_UP cal z,menuup cp K_DOWN cal z,menudown cp K_ENTER ret z cp K_SECOND ret ;z=select menupos: ;highlight #b ld c,b ;psh b ld a,b add a,3 add a,a add a,a sub b add a,a add a,a add a,a ;*24 ld h,$FC/4 ld l,a add hl,hl add hl,hl ;$FD20+item*96 ld b,16*7 menuinvloop: ld a,(hl) cpl ld (hl),a inc hl dnz menuinvloop ld b,c ;pop b ret ;a=-1 menudown: cal menupos inc b jr menuupdown menuup: cal menupos dec b menuupdown: ld a,b cp 6 jr nz,menunewchk xor a ;6=0 menunewchk: inc b jr nz,menunewok ld a,5 ;-1=5 menunewok: ld b,a jr menupos ;--- change name --- ; of worm#(curworm) getwormname: ;of (curworm) ld a,(curworm) add a,a ;2x ld e,a add a,a ;4x add a,a ;8x add a,a ;16x add a,e ;18x ld e,a ld d,0 ;de=a ld ix,worm1name-18 add ix,de ret changeworms: cal _clrWindow ld hl,txtEName cal _puts ;"Enter name player " ld a,(curworm) add a,'0' cal _putc cal getwormname ld a,maxnamelength cal entername ld (ix),0 ;end mark jp DisplayMenu entername: ld h,1 ld l,h ;) ld (_curRow),hl ld (namelength),a enternameloop: ld a,'_' cal _putc ld hl,_curCol dec (hl) nokeypressed: halt cal GET_KEY or a jr z,nokeypressed cp K_DEL jr nz,continue backspace: ld hl,namelength ld a,(hl) cp maxnamelength jr nc,nokeypressed inc (hl) dec ix ld a,' ' ld (ix),a cal _putc ld hl,_curCol dec (hl) dec (hl) jr enternameloop continue: cp K_ENTER ret z cp K_EXIT ret z ld hl,namelength dec (hl) ret z ld hl,chartable ld e,a ld d,0 add hl,de ld a,(hl) or a jr z,nokeypressed ld (ix),a cal _putc inc ix cal releasekeys jr enternameloop chartable: .db 0,".<>!",0,0,0,0 ;down,L,R,up .db 0,"XTOJE0",0 ;enter..clear .db " WSNID9",0 ;(-)..custom .db "ZVRMHC8",0 ;dot..del .db "YUQLGB7#" ;0..xvar .db $D9,"-PKFA6'" ;on..alpha .db "54321*",0,$D0 ;F5..more ;--proc skiplevel: ;@hl - destr:ab - alter:hl inc hl inc hl inc hl inc hl ;skip 4 ld b,(hl) ;spritesize inc b skipsprite: inc hl dnz skipsprite ld b,(hl) ;balls inc b inc b ;skip 6 ld a,c cp _datasp jr z,skipworms inc b ;multiplayer lvl inc b inc b ;skip other 3 worms (9 bytes) skipworms: ld a,b add a,a add a,b ld b,a ;3x(balls+2) skipballs: inc hl dnz skipballs skipflags: ld a,(Gametype) cp gamectf jr nz,noflagstoskip inc hl inc hl inc hl inc hl noflagstoskip: skipobjects: ld a,(hl) inc hl or a ret z ;0=end inc hl inc hl inc hl inc hl jr skipobjects loadgamecar: ;in: (Gametype) ;out: Gametype+1=hl ;build: c=(gameCar)=(hl-1) ; a=(wormbeglives)=(hl) ;destr: acdehl ld hl,datasingle ld a,(Gametype) ld e,a add a,a add a,e ld e,a ld d,0 add hl,de ld a,(hl) ld (gameCar),a ld c,a inc hl ld a,(hl) ld (wormbeglives),a ret ;----------------------------- ;-------- start game --------- ;----------------------------- LetsGetThisPartyOn: ld a,$17 ;no exit ld (CheckExit),a ;set exit state cal loadgamecar ld b,a ;psh a inc hl ;nrworms ld a,(hl) ld (nrworms),a ld l,b ;pop a ld h,0 ;hl=a cal _HLTIMES10 ;hl=10*(hl) ld (scorelimit),hl ;set limit cal loadgamecar ;nc ld a,(Gametype) ;3bytes -> 2bytes add a,24+1 ;go to datalevels ld e,a ;=de sbc hl,de ;datalevels ld a,c ;(gameCar) and _datascore jr nz,scorelimitset dec a ;ld a,$FF ;=no_limit ld (scorelimit),a scorelimitset: cal _ldHLind ;ld hl,(hl) ld a,(curlevel) ld (Level),a ld d,a ;begin level skiplevelloop: dec d ;levels to skip jr z,levelsskipped cal skiplevel jr skiplevelloop levelsskipped: psh hl ;1st level ld a,c and _datalink jr z,GameOver linkmatch: cal _clrWindow ld c,wormVhost cal Qsend ld hl,txtWaiting cal _puts cal Crecv ld a,c cp wormVclient jr z,client cp wormVhost jr nz,linkiniterror host: ld c,wormVclient cal Qsend ld a,$18 jr multiplayer linkiniterror: pop hl jp DisplayMenu client: ld hl,txtReceive cal _puts ld a,$E6 multiplayer: ld (SwapPos),a ld a,2 ld (nrworms),a ;----------------------------- ;--------- game over --------- ;----------------------------- GameOver: ld a,%11000000 out (7),a ;link normal cal _clrLCD ld hl,worm1set ld de,worm1 ld a,4 ;4x (all worms) createwormsloop: ex de,hl ld bc,died add hl,bc ld (hl),0 ;died=0 inc hl ld (hl),0 ;score=0 inc hl ld (hl),0 ;score+1=0 inc hl ld (hl),2 ;delay=2 inc hl ld (hl),3 ;lives=x wormbeglives =$-1 inc hl ex de,hl ;de=wormX+head ld bc,18 ldir ;copy 18 bytes dec a ;loop jr nz,createwormsloop pop hl ;begin of current level StartLevel: ld de,Left ld a,(hl) inc a ;=255? jp nz,nextlevel psh hl cal releasekeys cal _clrWindow pop hl ;show end msg or smtn ld bc,Exit psh bc ;where to go afterwards inc hl ;location of ending-code jp (hl) ;go there ("call") nextlevel: ldi ld de,Speed ldi ld de,peagrowth ldi ld a,(hl) ld (worm1+grow),a ld (worm2+grow),a ld (worm3+grow),a ld (worm4+grow),a ld (beginsize),a inc hl ld a,(hl) inc hl or a jr z,defaultsprite ld d,h ld e,l ;ld de,hl ld c,a ld b,0 ;bc=sprite size add hl,bc ;hl=behind sprite jr setsprite defaultsprite: ld a,defspritesz defsprsize =$-1 defsprite =$+1 ld de,defspriteimg setsprite: ;de=@sprite ;a=sprsize ld (sprsize),a ld (spritepos),de ld a,(hl) inc hl ld (nrballs),a or a jr z,toobad_noballs ld c,a add a,a add a,c ld c,a ld b,0 ld de,balls ldir toobad_noballs: ex de,hl #ifndef invincible ld (thislevel),de #endif ld hl,worm1 ld a,(gameCar) cp _datasp ld b,1 jr z,worminit ld b,4 worminit: psh bc ; >> 1 ex de,hl ldi ;d ld a,SinCosTable/256 ld (de),a inc de ldi ;y ldi ;x ex de,hl xor a ld (hl),a ;y2 inc hl ld (hl),a ;x2 ld bc,(worm2-worm1)-5 add hl,bc pop bc ; << 0k dnz worminit ;-------- draw level --------- ld a,(de) inc de sub 128 ld (FieldWidth),a ld a,(de) inc de sub 57 ld (FieldHeight),a add a,57-5 psh de ; >> levelp ld l,a ld h,0 add hl,hl add hl,hl add hl,hl add hl,hl add hl,hl ex de,hl ld hl,ScrBuffer psh hl ; >> 1 psh de ; >> 2 ld de,ScrBuffer+1 ld bc,63 ld (hl),%11111111 ldir inc hl ld (hl),%11000000 inc hl ld b,31 ClearLine: ld (hl),c inc hl dnz ClearLine psh hl ; >> 3 ld a,(FieldWidth) add a,126 psh af ; >> 4 and %11111000 rra rra rra ld l,a ld h,0 add hl,de pop af ; << 3 and %00000111 ld b,a ld c,0 ld a,%11000000 jr z,NoVertShift VertShift: rra rr c dnz VertShift NoVertShift: ld (hl),a inc hl ld (hl),c ex de,hl pop de ; << 2 pop bc ; << 1 ldir pop hl ; << 0k ld c,64 ldir pop hl ; << levelp ld a,(Gametype) cp gamectf jr nz,noctf ld de,peaspos ld bc,4 ldir psh hl cal DrawAllPeas pop hl noctf: cal drawstuff ;----------------------------- psh hl ; >> levelp new cal showstats ld a,(gameCar) and _datafood jr z,nofood cal NewPea nofood: ld bc,(worm1+pos) cal DisplayField #ifdef readymask ld hl,$FC70 ld d,%10101010 ld c,56 maskloop: ld a,d xor %11111111 ld d,a ld b,$10 maskline: ld a,(hl) or d ld (hl),a inc hl dnz maskline dec c jr nz,maskloop #endif #ifdef readytext ld hl,$FDE0 ld de,$FDE1 ld (hl),%11111111 ld bc,$BF ldir ld hl,4+(txtposReady*256) ld (_curRow),hl set 3,(iy+5) ld hl,txtReady cal _puts res 3,(iy+5) #endif ld a,0 gameCar =$-1 and _datalink jr z,initfinished ;no link xor a ld (Speed),a ;max.speed SwapPos: ;$18 xx -> $E6 xx ; jr xx -> and xx jr sethost setclient: ld (worm1+left),a ;worm 1 via link jr initfinished sethost: ld (worm2+left),a ;worm 2 via link initfinished: ld b,startdelay ReadyDelay: halt dnz ReadyDelay cal releasekeys ;----------------------------- ;----------- LOOP ------------ ;----------------------------- GameLoop: ld bc,(worm1+pos) cal DisplayField ld a,1 flashtime =$-1 dec a jr z,noflash ld (flashtime),a ld hl,$fc00+(16*7) screeninvertloop: ld a,(hl) cpl ld (hl),a inc hl xor a cp h jr nz,screeninvertloop noflash: ld a,0 Speed =$-1 or a jr z,NoDelay Delay: halt dec a jr nz,Delay NoDelay: ld (handledworm),a ;=0 ld a,0 nrballs =$-1 or a cal nz,handlethoseneatlittleballs ld ix,worm1 ld a,1 nrworms =$-1 ld b,a handleworms: psh bc cal HandleWorm ld bc,worm2-worm1 add ix,bc pop bc ld hl,handledworm inc (hl) ;1..nrworms dnz handleworms ;----------------------------- ;---------- keys ------------- ;----------------------------- HandleKeys: ld a,%10111111 out (1),a in a,(1) rla ;MORE? jr c,CheckExit ld bc,$0103 out (c),b halt ;pause/off ld b,11 out (c),b CheckExit: rla ;=$17 (c=EXIT-key) ;or$A7 (c=0) jp c,GameLoop jr Exit WormDead: #ifdef invincible jp stopworm #else ld a,2 ld (flashtime),a ld (ix+delay),respawndelay thislevel =$+1 ld hl,0 ld de,0 handledworm =$-2 add hl,de add hl,de add hl,de ld a,(hl) inc hl ld (ix+heading),a ld a,(hl) ld (ix+pos),a inc hl ld a,(hl) ld (ix+pos+1),a inc (ix+died) dec (ix+lives) psh af ld de,10 cal DecScore pop af ret nz ;HandleWorm done ld a,(gameCar) and _datalivel ret z ld a,$A7 ;exit@end of turn ld (CheckExit),a ;set exit state ret ;finish turn #endif Exit: ld sp,0 ;pop all SpSave = $-2 ld a,D0HD1H out (7),a cal _clrWindow ld hl,txtGO cal _puts ld hl,$FC00 ld b,16*8 cal menuinvloop ;invert inc h ;$FD80 ld b,16 cal menuinvloop ;
ld hl,$FCE0 ld b,16 cal menuinvloop ;
; ld l,$74 ; ld b,8 ; cal menuinvloop ld hl,_curRow inc (hl) ld hl,txtGame CURtxtGame =$-2 cal _puts ld a,$0D ;$0D02 ld (_curCol),a cal showLevel ld de,$1901 ld (_penCol),de ld hl,txtName cal _vputs ;Name ld a,$4F ld (_penCol),a cal _vputs ;Died Score ld de,$0004 ld (_curRow),de ld a,(nrworms) ld b,a ld hl,worm1+died displayWormStats: psh bc psh hl ld bc,left-died add hl,bc ;+left xor a cp (hl) ;input=0 = link jr nz,NoLinkIndic ld a,8 ld (_curCol),a ld a,$DC ;-O cal _putc xor a ld (_curCol),a NoLinkIndic: inc hl inc hl ;+name cal _puts pop hl psh hl ld a,13 ld (_curCol),a ld a,(hl) ;worm+died cal showA pop hl psh hl ld a,16 ld (_curCol),a inc hl ;worm+score cal _ldHLind ;ld hl,(hl) cal showHL ;worm+score pop hl ld bc,worm2-worm1 add hl,bc pop bc dnz displayWormStats ld a,(Gametype) or a ;singleplayer (0) only jr nz,hilevelcheckdone checkhilevel: ld hl,nrlevels ld a,(Level) cp (hl) jr c,hilevelcheckdone ld (hl),a ;save local ld c,a ld a,0 hilvlposa =$-1 ld hl,nrlevels hilvlposhl =$-2 ;save external cal _writeb_inc_ahl ;ld (ahl),c hilevelcheckdone: ld a,(gameCar) and _datasingl jr z,hiscorecheckdone checkhiscore: cal loadhiscoreposinahl cal _Get_Word_ahl ;de=old_hi psh de cal _RAM_PAGE_1 ;&& pop de ld hl,(worm1+score) ld a,h ;New cp d ;Old jr c,NotNewHigh ;NewOld ld a,e ;old cp l ;new jr nc,NotNewHigh ;new=Old ex de,hl cal loadhiscoreposinahl cal _Set_Word_ahl ;de->(ahl) cal _RAM_PAGE_1 NotNewHigh: ;de=current hiscore ld hl,$0807 ld (_curRow),hl ld hl,txthiscore cal _puts ex de,hl ;pop cal showHL hiscorecheckdone: cal releasekeys waitkey: halt halt cal GET_KEY cp K_ENTER jp z,DisplayMenu cp K_SECOND jp z,DisplayMenu cp K_EXIT jr nz,waitkey ;x123456789012345678901 ;>>>>>> GAME OVER <<<<< ;2Multiplayer ;3Level 01 ;4 Died Score: ;5NameName 03 00070 ;6Worm#02 @ 05 00120 ;7Worm#03 15 00030 ;8Snaky @ 00 04820 ExitNoStats: ld hl,_asapvar rst 20h ;_ABS_MOV10TOOP1 rst 10h ;_FINDSYM ld hl,savestart-_asm_exec_ram+4 xor a add hl,de adc a,b ;ahl=bde+4 cal _SET_ABS_DEST_ADDR xor a ld hl,savestart cal _SET_ABS_SRC_ADDR ld hl,saveend-savestart cal _SET_MM_NUM_BYTES cal _mm_ldir cal releasekeys res 4,(iy+9) set 2,(iy+13) im 1 ;remove keyfix jp _clrWindow loadhiscoreposinahl: ld a,(Level) ld b,a ld h,0 ;hl= ld a,(nrlevels+1) ;# peaworm lvls add a,a ld l,a ld a,(Gametype) dec a ld c,a dec a ;z=(Gametype)=2 jr z,tronhi ld l,h ;hl=0 tronhi: xor a ;ahl=0(+x) psh bc ld bc,defhiscrpos hiscrposhl =$-2 add hl,bc pop bc adc a,0 hiscrposa =$-1 ;ahl=saveloc inc c ret z ;(Gametype)=0 addlevelposition: cal _AHL_PLUS_2_PG3 dnz addlevelposition ret ;----------------------------- ;----------- worm ------------ ;----------------------------- respawncheck: cp respawndelay-1 jr nz,unnamedlabel cal saverespawncounter removeworm: ld h,(ix+tail+1) ld l,(ix+tail) ld d,(ix+head+1) ld e,(ix+head) jr DoesWormTailEqualsWormHead ;chk4 size=0 removewormloop: ld c,(hl) inc hl ld b,(hl) inc hl cal resbit psh hl cal res4pixels pop hl inc (ix+grow) DoesWormTailEqualsWormHead: cal _cphlde jr nz,removewormloop ld a,(gameCar) and _datasingl jr nz,safewormsizedone ld a,0 beginsize =$-1 ld (ix+grow),a safewormsizedone: ;de=ix+head ld (ix+tail+1),d ld (ix+tail),e ;head=tail/size=0 ret unnamedlabel: cp 1 ld h,a jr nz,saverespawncounter respawndue: ld l,a cal inputcall ld a,h ;previous cp l ;changed? ret z ld (ix+delay),a ;=0 ret saverespawncounter: ld (ix+delay),a jr inputcall ; ld a,(ix+input) ; or a ; jr z,inlink ; ret chkkey: ;key=a dec a ld b,a srl b srl b srl b ;b=a/8 and 7 ;a=a\8 ld c,a ;push keybit ld a,-1 out (1),a inc b ld a,%01111111 ;default bitmask: rlca ;rotate left dnz bitmask ;a/8 times out (1),a ;send bitmask in a,(1) ;input keys ld b,c ;pop keybit inc b keybit: rra dnz keybit ;check match (cf set) ret inkeys: ;use jp not call! cal chkkey jr nc,notright ld a,l add a,8 ld l,a notright: ld a,(ix+right) cal chkkey ret nc ld a,l sub 8 ld l,a ret inputcall: ld a,(ix+left) or a jr z,inlink ;input by link cal inkeys ;input by keys ld a,(gameCar) and _datalink ret z ;no link ld c,l ;send our keys psh hl cal Qsend ;Csend pop hl ret inlink: psh hl cal Qrecv ;Crecv pop hl ld l,c ret ;------- handle worm --------- HandleWorm: ld a,(ix+delay) dec a jp nz,respawncheck ld a,(Gametype) cp gametron jr nz,notron ld de,1 cal IncScore notron: ld l,(ix+heading) cal inputcall donediddelydone: ld (ix+heading),l ld h,(ix+heading+1) ld c,(ix+pos) ld b,(ix+pos+1) ld e,(ix+pos2) ld d,(ix+pos2+1) psh hl ld hl,previouspos ld (hl),c inc hl ld (hl),b inc hl inc hl ld (hl),e inc hl ld (hl),d pop hl ;-------- move worm ---------- Wormmove: psh bc ; >> pos ld a,(hl) add a,a add a,d ld d,a bit 7,(hl) jr z,notnegX dec b notnegX: jr nc,notmoveX inc b notmoveX: ld a,l add a,$40 ld l,a ld a,(hl) add a,a add a,e ld e,a bit 7,(hl) jr z,notnegY dec c notnegY: jr nc,notmoveY inc c notmoveY: ;bc=newpos ld (ix+pos2),e ld (ix+pos2+1),d ld (ix+pos),c ld (ix+pos+1),b ;-check- pop hl ; << pos (old) ld a,h sub b and 1 ld h,a ld a,l sub c and 1 add a,h ld d,4 jr z,GotFour xor 3 ld d,a GotFour: cal chk4pixels rl d jp nc,Drawworm ;--------- worm hit ---------- Hitworm: ld a,(gameCar) ld h,a and _datadie cal z,checkhitotherworm ld a,h and _datamultpeas ;&&bit jr nz,multiple_peas ld a,h and _datafood jp z,WormDead ;no food ld hl,0 PeaY =$-2 PeaX =$-1 cal chkpeahit jp nc,WormDead cal DrawPea ;remove pea ld a,(ix+grow) add a,15 peagrowth =$-1 ld (ix+grow),a cal NewPea ld hl,Left dec (hl) psh af ld de,10 cal IncScore pop af jp nz,Drawworm ;continue ld a,(gameCar) and _datafoodl jp z,Drawworm ld a,(Gametype) or a jp nz,Exit ;stack restored ld hl,Level ld a,(hl) inc (hl) ld l,a ;hl=Level ld h,0 add hl,hl add hl,hl cal _HLTIMES10 ex de,hl cal IncScore ;score+(40*level) cal removeworm pop hl ; << call pop hl ; << call pop hl ; << levelp new ld (ix+delay),2 jp StartLevel chkpeahit: ;hl=peapos ld a,(sprsize) inc a ld d,a ld a,b sub h inc a cp d ;=(sprsize)+1 ret nc ;nc=no pea ld a,c sub l inc a cp d ret ;c=pea flagcaptured: psh hl ld de,30 cal IncScore pop hl sillylabel: cal WormDead DrawAllPeas: ld hl,(peaspos) cal DrawPea ld hl,(peaspos+2) jp DrawPea multiple_peas: ld hl,(peaspos) ;1st pea psh hl ld a,(ix+reserv) ld e,a ;push a and %01 jr nz,sel_ownpea ld hl,(peaspos+2) ;2nd pea sel_ownpea: cal chkpeahit pop hl ;(peapos) 1st pea jp c,WormDead ;stopworm ;own pea hit ld a,e ;peek a (that's x86 asm for pop\push ;) and %01 jr z,sel_otherpea ld hl,(peaspos+2) ;2nd pea sel_otherpea: cal chkpeahit jp c,hitflag ;no peas hit ld a,e cal flagtoken jp z,WormDead ld b,a ;%10 srl b ;%01 add a,b ;%11 ld (ix+reserv),a cal DrawPea ;restore own flag jr sillylabel ;inv both\die hitflag: ;correct pea hit ld a,e ;pop a xor %01 ;0=1;1=0 ld (ix+reserv),a cal flagtoken psh af ;safe z-flag cal DrawPea ;remove pop af jr z,flagcaptured jr stopworm flagtoken: and %01 ;current add a,a ;<< for cp ld b,a ;in b ld a,e and %10 ;own cp b ;same? ret ;Z=yes: no flag taken ;----------------------------- nextotherwormbit: ld a,c sub (hl) inc hl inc a cp 4 jr nc,nothit1 ;no ld a,b sub (hl) inc a cp 4 ret c ;nz ;yes nothit1: inc hl cal resbit ChkWorm: cal _cphlde jr nz,nextotherwormbit ret ;z checkhitlapline: ld a,63 sub b jr z,nextlaphalf inc a ret nz nextlaphalf: ld a,c and 32 ;y>=32? jr nz,nolap cp (ix+reserv) jr z,nolap psh bc ld de,20 cal IncScore pop bc xor a nolap: ld (ix+reserv),a ret checkhitotherworm: .db $dd,$7d ;ld a,lx cp worm2&255 psh ix jr nz,chkworm2 ; ret nz ld ix,worm1 jr chkworm chkworm2: ld ix,worm2 chkworm: ld h,(ix+tail+1) ld l,(ix+tail) ld e,(ix+head) ld d,(ix+head+1) cal ChkWorm pop ix ret z ;not hit pop bc ;call stopworm: ld bc,0 previouspos =$-2 ld de,0 ld (ix+pos),c ld (ix+pos+1),b ld (ix+pos2),e ld (ix+pos2+1),d ret ;-------- draw worm ---------- Drawworm: ld c,(ix+pos) ld b,(ix+pos+1) ld a,(Gametype) ld d,a cp gamerace cal z,checkhitlapline cal set4pixels dec c ld a,d cp gametron ret z ;keep tail in "Tron" ld l,(ix+head) ld h,(ix+head+1) ld (hl),c inc hl ld (hl),b inc hl cal resbit ld (ix+head),l ld (ix+head+1),h ld a,(ix+grow) dec a jr z,removetail ld (ix+grow),a ret removetail: ld l,(ix+tail) ld h,(ix+tail+1) ld c,(hl) inc hl ld b,(hl) inc hl cal resbit ld (ix+tail),l ld (ix+tail+1),h res4pixels: cal ResPixel inc b cal ResPixel inc c cal ResPixel dec b ResPixel: cal FindPixel cpl and (hl) ld (hl),a ret ;----------------------------- ;---------- ball ------------- ;----------------------------- handlethoseneatlittleballs: ld hl,balls ld b,a ;a=(nrballs) handleballs psh bc psh hl ld c,(hl) inc hl ld b,(hl) inc hl ld d,(hl) cal handleball dec c pop hl ld (hl),c inc hl ld (hl),b inc hl ld (hl),d inc hl pop bc dnz handleballs ret handleball: cal res4pixels dec c ballxmove: bit 0,d ;1=L; 0=R jr z,ballright ballleft: dec b cal checkballhit jr z,ballymove inc b ;undo res 0,d ;go right jr ballymove ballright: inc b cal checkballhit jr z,ballymove dec b ;back set 0,d ;>left ballymove: bit 1,d ;1=up; 0=down jr z,balldown ballup: dec c cal checkballhit jr z,balldone inc c res 1,d ;go down jr balldone balldown: inc c cal checkballhit jr z,balldone dec c set 1,d ;up balldone: set4pixels: ;@(b,c) cal SetPixel inc b cal SetPixel inc c cal SetPixel dec b SetPixel: ;at bc cal FindPixel or (hl) ld (hl),a ret letsmovetheotherway: ld a,1 xor (hl) ld (hl),a ret checkballhit: psh de ld d,0 cal chk4pixels xor a cp d pop de ret ;----------------------------- ;----------- procs ----------- ;----------------------------- releasekeys: halt ld a,%10000000 ;all key-masks out (1),a in a,(1) inc a ;cp %11111111 (no keys pressed) jr nz,releasekeys ;keep waitin cal GET_KEY ;clear buffer ret resbit: ld a,h and (ix+storepos) ld h,a ret randompos: ld b,a Random: ;(2..b+2) ld a,r Seed =$+1 add a,0 ld (Seed),a and %01111110 cp b jr nc,Random add a,2 ret NewPea: ld a,(FieldWidth) add a,127-4 cal randompos ld h,a ld a,(FieldHeight) add a,56-4 cal randompos ld l,a ld (PeaY),hl CheckPea: ld c,l ld a,(sprsize) ld e,a chkloopy: ld b,h ld a,(sprsize) ld d,a chkloopx: psh hl cal FindPixel and (hl) pop hl jr nz,NewPea ;pixel found inc b dec d jr nz,chkloopx inc c dec e jr nz,chkloopy ;all ok; empty space DrawPea: ;hl=(PeaY) ld b,h ld c,l ld de,0 spritepos =$-2 jp PutSprite ;||-ed ;----------- score ----------- _divHLby1000: psh hl ld b,3 divideagain: ;3x cal _divHLby10 dnz divideagain ld a,l ;a=hl/1000 pop hl ret IncScore: ld h,(ix+score+1) ld l,(ix+score) cal _divHLby1000 ld c,a add hl,de cal _divHLby1000 cp c jr z,scorecommon ;hl/1000 not increased inc (ix+lives) jr scorecommon DecScore: ;&&& ld h,(ix+score+1) ld l,(ix+score) or a sbc hl,de jr c,showstats ;<0=0 scorecommon: ld (ix+score+1),h ld (ix+score),l ld de,0 scorelimit =$-2 inc e jr z,showstats ;de=$FF??=no limit dec e cal _cphlde jp nc,Exit showstats: ld a,(Gametype) cp gametron ret z showstatsEven4tron: psh ix ld h,0 ld l,h ld (_penCol),hl ld a,(nrworms) ld b,a ld ix,worm1 ld a,(gameCar) and _datanextl jr nz,showstatsS showstatloop: psh bc cal showstat ld de,worm2-worm1 add ix,de ld hl,_penCol ld a,(hl) add a,10 ld (hl),a pop bc dnz showstatloop pop ix ret showstat: ld a,(gameCar) and _datascore jr z,showlives showscore: ld h,(ix+score+1) ld l,(ix+score) cal _D_HL_DECI jr __vputs showlives: ld a,(Gametype) cp gametron jr z,showscore ld a,(ix+lives) add a,'0' __vputmap: psh ix cal _vputmap pop ix ret showstatsS: ld hl,txtLevel cal __vputs ld a,0 Level =$-1 cp 10 jr c,tilllevel9 ld l,a ld h,0 cal _divHLby10 psh af ld a,l add a,'0' cal __vputmap pop af tilllevel9: add a,'0' cal __vputmap ld a,98 ld (_penCol),a cal showscore ld a,123 ld (_penCol),a cal showlives ld a,(gameCar) and _datafoodl pop ix ret z showleft: ld a,31 ld (_penCol),a ld a,0 Left =$-1 cal cshowA ld hl,txtLeft __vputs: psh ix cal _vputs pop ix ret showLevel: ld hl,txtLevel cal _puts ld a,(Level) showA: ld l,a ld h,0 cal _divHLby10 psh af ld a,l add a,'0' cal _putc pop af add a,'0' jp _putc cshowA: ld l,a ld h,0 cal _divHLby10 psh af ld a,l add a,'0' cal __vputmap pop af add a,'0' jp __vputmap showHL: cal _D_HL_DECI jp _puts _D_HL_DECI: ld de,savestr+4 ld b,5 ldhld: cal _divHLby10 add a,'0' ld (de),a dec de dnz ldhld ld hl,savestr ret savestr: .db "00000",0 ;----------------------------- DisplayField: ld a,c sub 29 jr nc,NotMinYScroll xor a NotMinYScroll: cp 43 FieldHeight =$-1 jr c,NotMaxYScroll ld a,(FieldHeight) NotMaxYScroll: ld l,a ld h,0 add hl,hl add hl,hl add hl,hl add hl,hl add hl,hl psh bc ; >> 1 psh de ; >> 2 ld de,ScrBuffer add hl,de ld a,b sub 64 jr nc,NotMinXScroll xor a NotMinXScroll: cp 128 FieldWidth = $-1 jr c,NotMaxXScroll ld a,(FieldWidth) NotMaxXScroll: psh af ; >> 3 and %11111000 rra rra rra ld c,a ld b,0 ld de,DispBuffer pop af ; << 2 and %00000111 psh af ; >> 3 cp 6 jr c,CopyScreen inc c CopyScreen: add hl,bc ld b,57 CopyScreenLoop: psh bc ; >> 4 ld bc,16 ldir ld c,16 add hl,bc pop bc ; << 3 dnz CopyScreenLoop pop af ; << 2 ld c,$b7 ;or a Bit0: jr nz,Bit1 halt halt jr AfterShiftDelay Bit1: dec a jr nz,Bit2 cal ShiftRight1 jr AfterShiftDelay Bit2: dec a jr nz,Bit3 ld a,2 cal ShiftRight jr AfterShiftDelay Bit3: dec a jr nz,Bit4 cal Chunk cal ShiftLeft1 jr AfterShift Bit4: dec a jr nz,Bit5 cal Chunk jr AfterShiftDelay Bit5: dec a jr nz,Bit6 cal Chunk cal ShiftRight1 jr AfterShift Bit6: dec a jr nz,Bit7 ld a,2 cal ShiftLeft jr AfterShift Bit7: cal ShiftLeft AfterShiftDelay: halt AfterShift: #ifdef buffer ld hl,DispBuffer ld de,$fc00+$70 ld bc,1024-$70 ldir #endif pop de ; << 1 pop bc ; << 0k ret ShiftRight1: ld a,1 ShiftRight: ld (ShiftRightCounter),a ld a,c ld (ShiftRightChunk),a ld c,16 add hl,bc ld b,57 ShiftRightLoop: psh bc ld bc,-32 add hl,bc ex de,hl ld a,(de) ShiftRightChunk: or a cal c,_SHLACC ld c,0 ShiftRightCounter = $-1 ShiftRowsLeft: psh hl rla ld b,16 ShiftRowLeft: dec hl rl (hl) dnz ShiftRowLeft pop hl dec c jr nz,ShiftRowsLeft ld bc,-16 add hl,bc ex de,hl pop bc dnz ShiftRightLoop ret ShiftLeft1: ld a,1 ShiftLeft: ld (ShiftLeftCounter),a ld a,c ld (ShiftLeftChunk),a rla jr nc,ShiftLeftSameByte dec hl ShiftLeftSameByte: ex de,hl ld bc,-16 add hl,bc NewSprite: ex de,hl ld b,57 ShiftLeftLoop: psh bc ; >> 1 ld bc,-32 add hl,bc ex de,hl ld a,(de) ShiftLeftChunk: or a cal c,_SHRACC ld c,0 ShiftLeftCounter = $-1 ShiftRowsRight: psh hl ; >> 2 rra ld b,16 ShiftRowRight: rr (hl) inc hl dnz ShiftRowRight pop hl ; << 1 dec c jr nz,ShiftRowsRight ld bc,-16 add hl,bc ex de,hl pop bc ; << 0k dnz ShiftLeftLoop ret Chunk: psh hl ; >> 1 psh de ; >> 2 ld c,16 add hl,bc ld b,57 ChunkScreen: psh bc ; >> 3 ld bc,-32 add hl,bc ex de,hl ld a,(de) cal _SHRACC ld b,16 ChunkRow: dec hl rld dnz ChunkRow ex de,hl pop bc ; << 2 dnz ChunkScreen pop de ; << 1 pop hl ; << 0k ld c,$37 ;scf ret ;----------- draw ------------ ;--- pixel --- chk4pixels: ;&& cal CheckPixel inc b cal CheckPixel inc c cal CheckPixel dec b cal CheckPixel dec c ret CheckPixel: ;at bc in d cal FindPixel and (hl) ret z dec d ret ;CLEM's FIND_PIXEL (131+? cycles; 28+4 bytes) ;(b,c) to hl:a; "destroyes" ahl FindPixel: ;(b,c) to hl:a ld h,0 ld l,c ;hl=y add hl,hl add hl,hl ld a,b ;a=x rra add hl,hl rra add hl,hl add hl,hl ;hl=32*y rra ;a=x/8 or l ld l,a ld a,b and 7 cpl rlca rlca rlca ld (FP_Bit),a xor a FP_Bit =$+1 set 0,a psh de ;&&& ld de,ScrBuffer add hl,de pop de ret ;--- sprite --- PutSprite: ;||@(b,c) ;by SHIAR only ix saved cal FindPixel putspr: ld (beginbit),a ld a,0 sprsize =$-1 ld b,a ;rows sprloopy: psh bc ;rows psh hl ld a,(de) ld c,a inc de ld a,(sprsize) ld b,a ;width beginbit =$+1 ld a,1 sprloopx: sla c ;draw? jr nc,sprnodraw psh af xor (hl) ld (hl),a pop af sprnodraw: rrca ;next bit jp nc,nextbitok inc hl ;next byte nextbitok: dnz sprloopx pop hl ld bc,32 ;next line add hl,bc pop bc dnz sprloopy ret ;--- objects --- drawstuff: ld a,(hl) inc hl or a ;0 = ret z ;no more ld d,(hl) inc hl ld e,(hl) inc hl ld b,(hl) inc hl psh hl ld l,(hl) ld h,b dec a ;1 = line cal z,drawline dec a ;2 = fatline cal z,drawfatline dec a ;3 = box cal z,drawbox dec a ;4 = circle cal z,circle pop hl inc hl jr drawstuff drawbox: ;(d,e)-(h,l) ld b,l ;Delta-y ld l,e boxloop: cal drawline inc l inc e dnz boxloop ret drawfatline: cal drawline inc d inc h cal drawline inc e inc l cal drawline dec d dec h jp drawline ;LINE (d,e)-(h,l) ;destroyes a drawline: psh bc psh hl psh de ld a,d cp h jr c,lineOrdered ex de,hl lineOrdered: ld b,d ld c,e psh hl psh bc cal FindPixel pop bc pop de connectedLine: psh hl ld h,c ld c,a ld a,d sub b ld b,a ld a,e jr nz,LineNotPoint cp h jr nz,LineNotPoint pop hl jr DoneLine LineNotPoint: sub h ld de,32 jr nc,LinePositiveY neg ld de,-32 LinePositiveY: cp b jr nc,SteepLine add a,a ld (line2sm+1),a ld h,a xor a sub b add a,a ld (line1sm+1),a ld a,h sub b pop hl LineLoopGentle: psh af ld a,(hl) or c ld (hl),a rrc c jr nc,$+3 inc hl pop af jp m,line2sm line1sm: add a,0 add hl,de line2sm: add a,0 dnz LineLoopGentle DoneLine: ld a,(hl) or c ld (hl),a pop de pop hl pop bc ret SteepLine: ld h,a neg add a,a ld (line3sm+1),a ld a,b add a,a ld (line4sm+1),a sub h ld b,h pop hl LineLoopSteep: psh af ld a,(hl) or c ld (hl),a add hl,de pop af jp m,line4sm line3sm: add a,0 rrc c jr nc,$+3 inc hl line4sm: add a,0 dnz LineLoopSteep jr DoneLine ;CIRCLE (d,e),h ;destroyes ? circle: ;de=x,y; h=z ld c,h ;c=yy=z ld a,h neg ld l,a ;l=-z xor a ld b,a ;b=xx=0 dec a ;-$00** ld h,a ;hl=zz=-z circloop: psh de ;x,y ex (sp),hl ;push zz \ pop x,y cal circledraw ;(x-xx,y+yy)-(x+xx,y+yy) ;(x-xx,y-yy)-(x+xx,y-yy) cal circledraw ;(x-yy,y+xx)-(x+yy,y+xx) ;(x-yy,y-xx)-(x+yy,y-xx) ex (sp),hl ;push x,y \ pop zz xor a ld d,a ;d=0 dec a ;-256=yy inc b ;xx++ jr circloop circledraw: ;destr:de psh hl ld a,h ;hl=x,y sub b ;bc=xx,yy ld d,a ;d=x-xx add hl,bc ;h=x+xx; l=y+yy ld e,l ;e=y+yy cal drawline ;(h-b,l+c)-(h+b,l+c) ld a,l sub c ;a=y again sub c ld l,a ;l=y-yy ld e,l ;e=l=y-yy cal drawline ;(h-b,l-c)-(h+b,l-c) ld a,b ;swap xx and yy ld b,c ld c,a ;ex b,c pop hl ret ;**** link routines **** ;these are identical in concept to the routines used in ZTetris, ZPong, and probably ;every other link game out there. However, these are commented :) losses: .dw 0 Csend: cal Qsend jr c,Csend ret Qsend: send: ;inputs: c=byte to send, both wires must be high by default ;outputs: b=8-number of bits sent, both wires high, goes to game over on certain conditions ;destroys: af,bc,de in a,(7) and %00000011 jr z,killlink ;if both lines low, get out of here (game over signal) ld b,8 ;sending 8 bits sendloop: ld de,$8000 ;error timer rl c ;force high bit into carry ld a,%11010100 ;lower the red wire by default (sending 0) ($d4) jr nc,selected ;if high bit was 0, use above value ld a,%11101000 ;if 1, lower the white wire instead ($e8) selected: out (7),a ;put it out the link port waitconfirm: call linktimer in a,(7) ;see what the wires are doing and %00000011 ;check lower 2 bits jr nz,waitconfirm ;if both bits 0, data was received ok (both wires low) ld a,%11000000 out (7),a ;give the ok to raise both wires (one will be done automatically) ($c0) waitconfirm2: call linktimer in a,(7) and %00000011 cp 3 jr nz,waitconfirm2 ;wait for other calc to raise the other wire djnz sendloop ;continue sending xor a ;reset c; ld a,0 ld (losses),a ;reset number of losses ret Crecv: cal receive jr c,Crecv ret Qrecv: receive: ;inputs: both wires must be high by default ;outputs: c=byte received, b=8-number of bits received, both wires high ; goes to game over on certain conditions ;destroys: af,bc,de in a,(7) and %00000011 jr z,killlink ;game over signal applies to receiving too ld b,8 ;receiving 8 bits receiveloop: ld de,$8000 ;error timer waitreceive: call linktimer in a,(7) and %00000011 cp 3 ;if bits 0 and 1 set, both wires are high jr z,waitreceive ;wait for one of the wires to go low rra ;check red wire status rl c ;if set, red is high (thus white is low), so put the correct bit into c rra ;now check white wire (since the flags are destroyed) ld a,%11010100 ;$d4 jr nc,selected2 ;if white is low, lower red and vice versa ld a,%11101000 ;$e8 selected2: out (7),a ;so now both wires are low waitreceive2: call linktimer in a,(7) and %00000011 jr z,waitreceive2 ;wait for the wire we didn't lower to go high again (the other will remain low) ld a,%11000000 ;$c0 out (7),a ;raise both wires since the other calc will have given the ok sign djnz receiveloop ;if not done, wait for next bit xor a ;reset c ld (losses),a ;reset number of losses ret linktimer: ;leave if we have to wait too long (and return an error) dec de ld a,d or e ;see if de is 0 ret nz ;if not, keep going as usual ;otherwise we have to deal with a link failure ld a,%11000000 ;$c0 out (7),a ;reset link status (both high) ld a,(losses) ;see how many consecutive losses we have inc a ld (losses),a ;add this loss to it pop de ;fix the stack to leave the link routine (de is ok to destroy) cp 20 ;see if this is the 20th consecutive failure ret c ;if not, keep playing ;otherwise, all is probably lost... killlink2: jr linkend killlink: linkend: jp z,Exit #ifdef 0 ;----------------------------- ;----------- link ------------ ;----------------------------- timeout = $800 checklink: dec de ld a,d or e jr z,linkerror ld a,$BF out (1),a in a,(1) bit 6,a jp z,Exit in a,(7) and %11 ret linkerror: scf ld a,%11 pop hl ret ;-------------- ;---- SEND ---- ;-------------- Csend: ;--- send 8 bits in A --- destr:abcdehl --- ld c,a Csendloop: cal Qsend ret nc ;NC = all ok ld a,D0HD1H out (7),a ;both high jr Csendloop ;CF = error Qsend: ;--- try to send 8 bits in C; CF=error --- destr:abcdehl --- ld de,timeout cal checklink cp %11 ;are they? scf ret nz ;nope, wait ld b,8 ;bits to send sendloop: ld de,timeout rl c ;bit to send in cf ld a,D0LD1H ;0: lower white jr nc,sendbit ld a,D0HD1L ;1: lower red sendbit: out (7),a ;lower one (send bit) sendwaitack: cal checklink ;other calc must lower other wire jr nz,sendwaitack ld a,D0HD1H ;raise one, ok to raise other out (7),a sendfinish: cal checklink cp %11 ;both raised (by other calc) jr nz,sendfinish nop \ nop dnz sendloop ;repeat for all bits xor a ;nc... ret ;=ok ;-------------- ;---- RECV ---- ;-------------- Crecv: ;--- receive 8 bits into A/C --- destr:abcdehl --- cal Qrecv ret nc ;return if all went ok ld a,D0HD1H out (7),a ;raise both on error jr Crecv ;and try again Qrecv: ;--- receive 8 bits into A/C; CF=error --- destr:abcdehl --- ld de,timeout cal checklink jp z,Exit ;both low = error, quit cp %11 scf ret z ;both high = nothing yet, wait ld b,8 ;bits to receive recvloop: ld de,timeout recvwait: cal checklink cp %11 jr z,recvwait ;both high = nothing sent (yet) rra ;received bit in cf ld a,D0LD1H jr c,received ;lower white wire as well ld a,D0HD1L ;lower red received: rl c ;save bit in c out (7),a ;both wires low recvwaitack: cal checklink jr z,recvwaitack ;same wire will be raised again by other calc ld a,D0HD1H out (7),a ;raise both recvfinish: dnz recvloop ;repeat for all bits xor a ;nc=no error ld a,c ;result in a ret #endif ;----------------------------- ;---------- levels ----------- ;----------------------------- LevelDef: .db 5,4,15,15,0,0 ;peas,speed,growth,begin_size,sprite,balls .db 0,2,63 ;start d, y, x .db 128,57 ;field width (128-255), height (57-255) .db 0 ;no additional lines, boxes .db 255 ret LevelDefM: .db 8,4,15,15,0,0 .db $40,30,2,$C0,30,125, $00,2,64,$80,54,64 .db 128,57 .db 0 .db 8,0,18,12,5 .db %1110000,%10001000,%10001000,%10001000,%1110000,0 .db $40,30,2,$C0,30,125, $00,2,64,$80,54,64 .db 128,57 .db 0 .db 8,5,18,12,0,0 .db $40,30,2,$C0,30,125, $00,2,64,$80,54,64 .db 128,57 .db 4,40,26,20,0 .db 4,90,40,11,0,0 LevelDefT: ;tron=no delay .db 8,4,18,12,5 .db %1110000,%10001000,%10001000,%10001000,%1110000,0 .db $40,30,64,$C0,30,64, $00,30,64,$80,30,64 .db 128,57 .db 0 LevelDefC: ;ctf .db 8,4,18,12,5 .db %1110000,%10001000,%10001000,%10001000,%1110000,0 .db $40,30,64,$C0,30,64, $00,30,64,$80,30,64 .db 128,57 .db 10,10,50,50 .db 0 ;----------------------------- ;---------- data ------------- ;----------------------------- wdPicture = 16 wtPicture: .db %01001010,%00101001,%00000111,%10000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%01110000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%01000000,%00000000 .db %10001010,%10101000,%10001111,%10000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%01111000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%10100100,%01000000 .db %10101010,%10101010,%10011100,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00011100,%00001110,%00000000,%00000000,%10101010,%10100000 .db %01010001,%01000101,%00011000,%00011111,%00000000,%01111111,%11000000,%00111100,%00011110,%01111000,%00001100,%00011111,%00000000,%00000000,%11001001,%10100000 .db %00000000,%00000000,%00111000,%00111111,%10000000,%11111111,%11100000,%11111110,%00111111,%11111100,%00001100,%00111011,%10000000,%00000011,%10001000,%00100000 .db %01101010,%10010011,%00110000,%01110001,%11000001,%11000000,%01110001,%11100110,%01110011,%11001110,%00001100,%00110001,%10000000,%00000000,%10010000,%00100000 .db %10001010,%00101010,%10110000,%01100000,%11000001,%10000000,%00111001,%10000000,%01100111,%11100110,%00001110,%01110001,%10000000,%00000000,%01100000,%01000000 .db %11101110,%10111011,%00110000,%01100000,%11000001,%10110000,%00011011,%10000000,%11101110,%01110111,%00001110,%01110001,%10000011,%11100000,%00000011,%10000000 .db %00101010,%10101010,%10110000,%01110001,%11000001,%10110000,%00011011,%00000000,%11001100,%00110011,%00000111,%11100001,%10001100,%00011000,%00010000,%00000000 .db %11001010,%10101010,%10110000,%00110001,%10000001,%10110000,%00011011,%00000000,%11001100,%00110011,%00000011,%11000011,%10010000,%00000100,%00100011,%00001100 .db %00000000,%00000000,%00111000,%00111011,%10000011,%10110000,%00011011,%00000000,%11001110,%01110011,%00000000,%00000011,%00010011,%00000100,%00100100,%10010010 .db %00111001,%11000111,%00011000,%00011111,%00000011,%00110000,%00011011,%00000000,%11000111,%11100011,%10000000,%00000011,%00001100,%10000100,%00101000,%10010100 .db %01100101,%00101000,%00011100,%00001110,%00000111,%00111000,%00111011,%10000000,%11000011,%11000001,%10000000,%00000111,%00000000,%01001110,%00101000,%10011000 .db %01001101,%11001011,%00001110,%00111111,%10001110,%00011100,%01110001,%10000000,%11100000,%00000001,%11100000,%00001110,%00000000,%01010101,%00101000,%10011000 .db %00111001,%01100111,%00000111,%11111011,%11111100,%00001111,%11100001,%11000000,%01100000,%00000000,%11111111,%11111100,%00000000,%10010101,%00100110,%00010100 .db %00000000,%00000000,%00000011,%11100000,%11111000,%00000111,%11000000,%11000000,%01100000,%00000000,%00111111,%11111000,%11111111,%00001000,%11000001,%11100011 txtMenu: .db "Mode",0 ;1st menu item .db "Level",0 ;2nd .db "Limit",0 ;... .db "Worms",0 .db "worm #",0 .db "controls",0 posMenu: .dw $$2418,$231E,$2524,$1F2A,$1730,$1936 txtGame: .db "Singleplayer",0 txtGame1: .db "Peaworm",0 txtGame2: .db "Tron",0 txtGame3: .db "Deathmatch",0 txtGame4: .db "Foodmatch",0 txtGame5: .db "LinkMatch",0 txtGame6: .db "Race",0 txtGame7: .db "CTF",0 ; .db "Domination",0 ;8 posGame: .db 0,txtGame1-txtGame .db txtGame2-txtGame .db txtGame3-txtGame .db txtGame4-txtGame .db txtGame5-txtGame .db txtGame6-txtGame .db txtGame7-txtGame txtKeyleft: .db "Left",0 txtKeyright:.db " | Right",0 txtLevsel: .db $CF," Select levels: ",5,0 txtEName: .db "Enter name player ",0 txtWaiting: .db "Waiting...",0 txtReceive: .db "Receiving..." ;,0 TrigPrecalc: .db 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 .db 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45 .db 48, 51, 54, 57, 59, 62, 65, 67 .db 70, 73, 75, 78, 80, 82, 85, 87 .db 89, 91, 94, 96, 98,100,102,103 .db 105,107,108,110,112,113,114,116 .db 117,118,119,120,121,122,123,123 .db 124,125,125,126,126,126,126,126 .db 127 txtLevel: .db "Level ",0 txtWorms: .db "Worms: 0",0 ;follows txtLevel txtName: .db "Name",0 txtDied: .db "Died " ;follows txtName txtScore: .db "Score",0 ;follows txtDied txtLeft: .db " left",0 ;follows txtScore txthiscore:.db "HiScore:",0 txtReady: .db "Prepare!",0 txtposReady = 7 txtGO: .db 5,5,5,5,5," GAME OVER ",$CF,$CF,$CF,$CF,$CF,0 _datalink = %00000001 ;linkplay _datalivel = %00000010 ;lives=0 limit _datafoodl = %00000100 ;left=0 limit _datanextl = %00001000 ;next level if left=0 _datasingl = %00001000 ;singleplayer=1 ;1=hiscore+keep_length _datafood = %00010000 ;food present _datadie = %01000000 ;worm dies on impact _datascore = %10000000 ;score>=100 limit _datamultpeas = %00100000 _datasp = %01011110 datalevels: .dw LevelDef, LevelDefT .dw LevelDefT,LevelDefM .dw LevelDefM,LevelDefM .dw LevelDefM,LevelDefC nrlevels: .db 1,3,1,3,3,3,3,1 ;=defaults savestart: gamesingle = 0 datasingle: .db %01011110,3,1 ;3 lives (