X-Git-Url: http://git.shiar.nl/sheet.git/blobdiff_plain/4542eccbacf469cae51d52e422c6eb65b081bb9c..v1.10-46-g4c43bcbed6:/perl.inc.pl diff --git a/perl.inc.pl b/perl.inc.pl index 632fc12..d81743d 100644 --- a/perl.inc.pl +++ b/perl.inc.pl @@ -1,61 +1,211 @@ use utf8; +{ + v5.005 => { + new => [ + ['threads' => '', {experimental => 0, stable => 0}], + ['B::…', 'backend hooks'], + ['qr//' => 'overhauled regular expression engine: precompile operator, lookahead/behind, code, conditions, localised flags'], + ['… foreach' => 'for(each) as statement modifier, with large ranges optimised as counting loops'], + ['…::' => 'implicitly quoted package name'], + ['ref $@' => 'die passes reference values to exception handlers'], + ['INIT {}', 'subs run just before the perl runtime begins execution'], + ['tie @…' => 'base class for TIEARRAY implementations, and generally improved supported of tied handlers'], + ['substr …,…,…,$replace', 'replacement string in 4th argument'], + ['splice …,…,-$length', 'negative length indicates elements to keep at the end of an array'], + ['$/', 'integer or scalar separator makes <> read records instead of lines'], + ], + release => '1998-07-22', + unstable => 0, + }, + v5.6 => { new => [ - ['use utf8'], - ['\N{named character}'], - ['our'], - ['v1.2.3'], - ['sub :locked :method'], - ['open $fh, $mode, $expr'], + ['use warnings', 'pragma to enable warnings in lexical scope'], + ['use utf8', 'experimental unicode semantics (completed in v5.8)', {experimental => 0, stable => v5.8}], + ['use charnames', 'string escape \N{} to insert named character'], + ['our', 'declare global variables'], + ['v1.2.3', q"represent strings as vector of ordinals, useful in version numbers (printf '%vd' to display)"], + ['0b0', q"binary numbers in literals, printf '%b', and oct"], + ['sub :lvalue', 'subroutine attribute to return a modifiable value', {experimental => 0, stable => v5.20}], +# ['sub :locked :method', 'syntax to declare subroutine attributes'], # can be inferred from :lvalue support + ['open my $fh, $mode, $expr', 'file handles in scoped scalars, third argument for unambiguous file name'], + [q"pack 'q'", '64-bit integer support (also large files >2GiB)', {experimental => 0, stable => v5.8.1}], + ['sort $coderef ()', 'comparison function can be a subroutine reference; prototype ($$) to pass elements as normal @_'], + ['CHECK {}', 'special block called at end of compilation'], + ['/[[:…:]]/', 'POSIX character class syntax such as /[[:alpha:]]/'], + # quite a lot more, but leave it at this ], release => '2000-03-23', + distro => { + debian => 'woody', + rhel => '2', # v5.6.0; also in red hat 7.0 + solaris => '9', # v5.6.1; 2002-05 eol 2014-10 + aix => '5.1', # 2001-05 eol 2006-04 + }, + unicode => '3.0.1', }, + v5.8 => { new => [ - ['unicode overhaul'], - ['PerlIO'], + [q"no utf8", 'full unicode support, utf8 pragma only for script encoding'], + [q"binmode $fh, ':perlio'", 'file handle behaviour altered by PerlIO layers'], + [q"open $fh, '-|', @cmd", 'open list to fork a command without spawning a shell'], + [q"open $fh, '>', \$var", 'perl scalars as virtual files'], + [q"printf '%1$s', @args", 'syntax to use parameters out of order'], + [q"1_2_3 == 123", 'underscores between digits allowed in numeric constants'], +# [q"use if", 'conditional module inclusion'], # also installable in earlier versions ], release => '2002-07-18', + distro => { + debian => 'sarge', + rhel => '3', # v5.8.0; v5.8.8 in RHEL6 (2007-2014) + solaris => '10', # v5.8.4; 2005-01 eol 2021-01 + centos => '3-5', # v5.8.0 in v3 (2004-03); v5.8.8 in v5 (eol 2017-03) + ubuntu => '4.10', + aix => '5.2', # v5.8.0; v5.8.2 in 5.3 and 6.1 (eol 2017-04-30) + }, + unicode => '3.2.0', }, + v5.10 => { new => [ - ['//', 'defined-or operator'], - ['~~', 'smart-match operator to compare different data types'], - ['given', 'switch statement to smart-match with when/default'], - ['/(?)/ and $+{name}', 'named caputer buffers'], - ['s/keep\K//', 'floating positive lookbehind, efficient alternative for s/(keep)/$1/'], - ['/\v/, /\h/', 'vertical and horizontal whitespace escapes'], - ['my $_', 'lexically scoped version of the default variable'], + ['//', 'defined-or operator'], + ['~~', 'smart-match operator to compare different data types (updated in v5.10.1)', {experimental => 'smartmatch'}], + ['say', 'print with newline, equivalent to print @_, "\n"', {feature => 'say'}], + ['given', 'switch statement to smart-match with when/default', {feature => 'switch', experimental => 'smartmatch'}], + ['/(?<name>)/', 'named capture buffers into %+'], + ['/(?1)/', 'recursive regular expression patterns'], + ['/.++/', 'possessive quantifiers ?+, *+, ++ to match greedily'], + ['s/keep\K//', 'floating positive lookbehind, efficient alternative for s/(keep)/$1/'], + ['/\v/, /\h/', 'vertical and horizontal whitespace escapes'], + ['my $_', 'lexically scoped version of the default variable', {experimental => 'lexical_topic', dropped => v5.23.4}], + ['state', 'persistent my variables', {feature => 'state'}], ], release => '2007-12-18', + distro => { + debian => 'lenny', + rhel => '6', # v5.10.1 + centos => '6', # v5.10.1 (2011-07 eol 2020-11) + ubuntu => '8.10', # v5.10.1 in 10.04 LTS + aix => '7.1', # v5.10.1 (2010-09 eol 2020?) + }, + unicode => '5.0.0', }, + v5.12 => { new => [ - ['package version', 'package NAME VERSION shorthand for our $VERSION"'], - ['...', 'yada-yada operator: code placeholder'], - ['use strict', 'Implicit strictures if use VERSION >= 5.12'], - ['... when', '"when" is now allowed to be used as a statement modifier'], + ['package version', 'package NAME VERSION shorthand for our $VERSION'], + ['...', 'yada-yada operator: code placeholder'], + ['use 5.012', 'implicit strict if use VERSION >= v5.12'], + ['… when', 'when is now allowed to be used as a statement modifier'], + [q"use overload 'qr'", 'customisable conversion to regular expressions'], + ['/\N/', 'inverse \n to match any character except newline regardless of /s', {experimental => 0, stable => v5.18}], ], release => '2010-04-12', + unicode => '5.2', + distro => { + solaris => '11', # also v5.8.4; 2010-11 eol 2024-11 + ubuntu => '11.10', + }, }, + v5.14 => { new => [ - ['s///r', 'non-destructive substitution'], - ['/(?^)/', 'construct to reset to default modifiers'], - ['/(?{ m// })/', 'regular expressions can be nested in /(?{})/ and /(??{})/'], - ["use re '/flags'", 'customize default modifiers'], - ['each $ref e.a.', 'array and hash container functions accept references'], + ['s///r', 'non-destructive substitution'], + ['/(?^)/', 'construct to reset to default modifiers'], + ['/(?{ m() })/', 'regular expressions can be nested in /(?{})/ and /(??{})/', {experimental => 0, stable => v5.20}], + [q"use re '/flags'", 'customise default modifiers'], + ['each $ref e.a.', 'array and hash container functions accept references', {experimental => 'postderef', dropped => v5.23.1}], + ['FH->method', 'filehandle method calls load IO::File on demand (eg. STDOUT->flush)'], ], release => '2011-05-14', + distro => { + debian => 'wheezy', + ubuntu => '12.04', + }, + unicode => '6.0+#8', }, + v5.16 => { new => [ - ['__SUB__', 'current subroutine reference'], - ['fc, "\F"', 'unicode foldcase to compare case-insensitively'], - ['"\N{}"', 'automatic use charnames qw( :full :short )'], + ['__SUB__', 'current subroutine reference', {feature => 'current_sub'}], + ['fc, "\F"', 'unicode foldcase to compare case-insensitively', {feature => 'fc'}], + ['"\N{}"', 'automatic use charnames qw( :full :short )'], ], release => '2012-05-20', + distro => { + rhel => '7', # v5.16.3 + centos => '7', # v5.16.3 (2014-07 eol 2024-06) + }, + unicode => '6.1', + }, + + v5.18 => { + new => [ + ['${^LAST_FH}', 'last read filehandle (used by $.)'], + ['/(?[ a + b ])/', 'regex set operations (character substraction -, unions &)', {experimental => 'regex_sets'}], + ['my sub', 'lexical subroutines (also state, our); buggy before v5.22', {experimental => 'lexical_subs', stable => v5.26}], + ['next $expression', 'loop controls allow runtime expressions'], + [q"no warnings 'experimental::…'", 'mechanism for experimental features, as of now required for smartmatch'], + ], + release => '2013-05-18', + distro => { + ubuntu => '14.04', + }, + unicode => '6.2', + }, + + v5.20 => { + new => [ + ['sub ($var)', 'subroutine signatures', {feature => 'signatures', experimental => 'signatures'}], + ['%hash{…}', 'hash slices return key+value pairs'], + ['[]->@*', 'postfix dereferencing (also e.g. $scalar->$* for $$scalar)', {feature => 'postderef, postderef_qq', experimental => 'postderef', stable => v5.23.1}], + [q"use warnings 'once'; $a", 'variables $a and $b are exempt from used once warnings'], + ], + unicode => '6.3', + release => '2014-05-27', + distro => { + debian => 'jessie', + ubuntu => '14.10', + aix => '7.2', + }, + }, + + v5.22 => { + new => [ + ['\$alias =', 'aliasing via reference (scoped as of v5.25.3)', {experimental => 'refaliasing'}], + ['<<>>', 'safe readline ignoring open flags in arguments'], + ['/()/n', 'flag to disable numbered capturing, turning () into (?:)'], + ['/\b{}/', 'boundary types: gcb (grapheme cluster), sb (sentence), wb (word)'], + ['&.', '& | ^ ~ consistently numeric, dotted operators for strings', {experimental => 'bitwise'}], + [q"use re 'strict'", 'apply stricter syntax rules to regular expression patterns', {experimental => 're_strict'}], + ['0x.beep+0', q"hexadecimal floating point notation with binary power; printf '%a' to display"], + ], + unicode => '7.0', + release => '2015-06-01', + distro => { + ubuntu => '16.04', + }, + }, + + v5.24 => { + new => [ + [q"printf '%.*2$x'", 'reordered precision arguments'], + ['/\b{lb}/', 'line break boundary type (position suitable for hyphenation)'], + ['/faster/', 'various significant speedups, notably matching fixed substrings, /i on caseless languages, 64-bit arithmetic, scope overhead'], + ], + unicode => '8.0', + release => '2016-05-09', + }, + + v5.26 => { + new => [ + ['<<~EOT', 'indented here-docs, strips same whitespace before delimiter in each line'], + ['@{^CAPTURE}', q"array of last match's captures, so ${^CAPTURE}[0] is $1"], + ['//xx', 'extended modifier to also ignore whitespace in bracketed character classes'], + ], + unicode => '9.0', # also Script_Extensions/scx in "\p{script}" + release => '2017-05-30', }, }