<(common.inc.plp)><: Html({ title => 'terminal colour cheat sheet', version => '1.0', description => [ "Index of all terminal/console colour codes,", "with an example result of various environments.", ], keywords => [qw' color code terminal console escape table xterm rxvt '], stylesheet => [qw'light dark'], }); :>

Terminal colours

ANSI (VT100, ISO-6429) 16-colour text palette as implemented by various systems and programs. <: print !exists $get{v} ? 'Also see 8-bit legacy hardware palettes.' : 'Also included are 8-bit legacy hardware palettes.'; :>

<: use Shiar_Sheet::Colour '1.02'; use List::Util qw( min max ); sub colcell { my $name = shift or return "\n"; my $col = Shiar_Sheet::Colour->new(@_); my $minhex = $col->rgb24; my $css = '#' . $col->rgb48; my $inverse = '#' . sprintf('%X', $col->luminance/255 < .3 ? 12 : 0) x 3; my $sample = [ qw(#000 #FFF) ]; ($name, $sample) = @$name if ref $name eq 'ARRAY'; my $out = sprintf('%s', join(',', map { int } @$col), "background:$css; color:$inverse; padding:0 1ex", $name, ); $out .= sprintf '%s', "background:$_; color:$css", $minhex for @$sample; return "$out\n"; } my %col = ( html => [ sprintf('html', 'HTML keywords (inherited by CSS≥2.1 and SVG), mostly identical to X11', 'http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#html4', ), qw/000000:black 800000:maroon 008000:green 808000:olive 000080:navy 800080:purple 008080:cyan C0C0C0:silver 808080:gray FF0000:red 00FF00:lime FFFF00:yellow 0000FF:blue FF00FF:fuchsia 00FFFF:aqua FFFFFF:white /, ], cga => [ undef, # linux console, kde? qw/000000 AA0000 00AA00 AA5500 0000AA AA00AA 00AAAA AAAAAA 555555 FF5555 55FF55 FFFF55 5555FF FF55FF 55FFFF FFFFFF/, # qw/reset bold dim italic underline blink fastblink reverse hidden/, ], xterm => [ undef, # rxvt except for blues qw/000000 CC0000 00CC00 CCCC00 4682B4 CC00CC 00CCCC E5E5E5 4C4C4C FF0000 00FF00 FFFF00 1E90FF FF00FF 00FFFF FFFFFF/, ], tango => [ undef, # default Gnome theme qw/2E3436 CC0000 4E9A06 C4A000 3465A4 75507B 06989A D3D7CF 555753 EF2929 8AE234 FCE94F 729FCF AD7FA8 34E2E2 EEEEEC/, ], xkcd => [ sprintf('xkcd', 'human averages in xkcd survey results', 'http://blog.xkcd.com/2010/05/03/color-survey-results/', ), qw/000000:black 650021:maroon 15b01a:green 6e750e:olive 01153e:navy 7e1e9c:purple 029386:teal c5c9c7:silver 929591:grey e50000:red aaff32:lime ffff14:yellow 0343df:blue ed0dd9:fuchsia 00ffff:cyan ffffff:white /, ], android => [ sprintf('android', 'http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/ui_guidelines/icon_design.html', 'recommended colour palette for Android icons', ), qw/FFFFFF:white BFBFBF:light 808080:medium 404040:dark 000000:black 6699FF:blue1 3366CC:blue2 003399:blue3 99CC33:green1 00CC00:green2 669933:green3 FFCC00:orange1 FF9900:orange2 FF6600:orange3 CC0000:red /, ], app => [ 'Term.app', qw/000000 C23621 25BC24 ADAD27 492EE1 D338D3 33BBC8 CBCCCD 818383 FC391F 31E722 EAEC23 5833FF F935F8 14F0F0 E9EBEB /, ], putty => [ 'PuTTY', qw/000000 BB0000 00BB00 BBBB00 0000BB BB00BB 00BBBB BBBBBB 555555 FF5555 55FF55 FFFF55 5555FF FF55FF 55FFFF FFFFFF /, ], slutty => [ sprintf('SluTTY', 'http://www.npjh.com/slutty.html', 'PuTTY fork with light colour scheme', ), qw/000000 9C1D1D 6C9446 AC9A47 335786 8F6496 486768 E0DCDC 2F2F2F CD5757 8FC35B D1C45E 5C81A9 BC95B7 76CBCB EEEEEC /, ], mac2 => [ 'MacII', qw/FFFFFF FBF305 FF6403 DD0907 F20884 4700A5 0000D3 02ABEA 1FB714 006412 562C05 90713A C0C0C0 808080 404040 000000 /, ], risc => [ 'RISC', # v2/3 qw/FFFFFF DDDDDD BBBBBB 999999 777777 555555 333333 000000 004499 EEEE00 00CC00 DD0000 EEEEBB 558800 FFBB00 00BBFF /, ], c64 => [ 'C=64', # commodore 64/128 map { # 5-bit luma ± 2-bit colour angle my ($y, $neg, $hue) = split /(-)|\+/; # convert to yuv my ($u, $v) = (0, 0); if (defined $hue) { my $RAD = 3.14159; $hue *= $RAD / 8; $hue += $RAD if $neg; $u = cos $hue; $v = sin $hue; } # convert to rgb $y *= 255 / 32; $_ = $_ * 127.5 + 128 for $u, $v; Shiar_Sheet::Colour->newyuv($y, $u, $v)->rgb48; } qw/ 0 32 10+5 20-5 12+2 16-2 8+0 24-0 12+6 8+7 16+5 10 15 24-2 15+0 20 /, ], msx1 => [ 'MSX', map { my ($y, @c) = split /;/; $y *= 255; $_ = ($_ - .47) / .53 * 127.5 + 128 for @c; Shiar_Sheet::Colour->newyuv($y, @c)->rgb48; } qw/ 0.00;0.47;0.47 0.00;0.47;0.47 0.53;0.20;0.07 0.67;0.27;0.17 0.40;1.00;0.40 0.53;0.93;0.43 0.47;0.30;0.83 0.73;0.70;0.00 0.53;0.27;0.93 0.67;0.27;0.93 0.73;0.07;0.57 0.80;0.17;0.57 0.47;0.23;0.13 0.53;0.67;0.73 0.80;0.47;0.47 1.00;0.47;0.47 /, ], msx2 => [ 'MSX2', map { s{([0-7])}{sprintf '%02X', $1 / 7 * 255}egr } qw/ 000 000 161 373 117 237 511 267 711 733 661 663 141 625 555 777 /, ], arnejmp => [ sprintf('%s', 'http://androidarts.com/palette/16pal.htm', "Arne's Japanese Machine Palette v3 (MSX)", 'A:JMP', ), qw/ 000000 191028 46AF45 A1D685 453E78 7664FE 833129 9EC2E8 DC534B E18D79 D6B97B E9D8A1 216C4B D365C8 AFAAB9 F5F4EB /, ], arnegame => [ sprintf('%s', 'http://androidarts.com/palette/16pal.htm', 'Generic 16 color game palette v20 by Arne Niklas Jansson', 'Arne', ), qw/ 000000::void 9D9D9D::ash FFFFFF::blind BE2633::bloodred E06F8B::pigmeat 493C2B::oldpoop A46422::newpoop EB8931::blaze F7E26B::zornskin 2F484E::shade 44891A::leaf A3CE27::slime 1B2632::night 005784::sea 31A2F2::sky B2DCEF::cloud /, ], ); if ($get{v}) { my %reorder = ( arnegame => [ 0,5,9,12 , 3,6,10,13,1 , 4,7,8,11,14,15,2 ], arnegame => [ 0,3,10,6,12,9,13,1 , 5,7,11,8,14,4,15,2 ], c64 => [ 0,2,5,9,6,4,3,15 , 11,10,13,7,14,8,12,1 ], msx2 => [ 0,6,2,10,4,13,7,14 , 1,8,3,11,5,9,12,15 ], risc => [ 7,11,13,14,8,12,15,1, 6,5,10,9,4,3,2,0], mac2 => [ 15,3,9,11,6,5,7,12 , 14,2,8,1,13,4,10,0 ], ); $reorder{$_} = $reorder{msx2} for qw( msx1 arnejmp ); while (my ($name, $order) = each %reorder) { for my $pal ( $col{$name}) { $pal = [ map { $pal->[$_ + 1] =~ s/:|$/:$_/r } -1, @{$order} ]; } } } my @termlist = qw( cga xterm tango app html xkcd ); push @termlist, qw( c64 msx2 mac2 risc arnegame ) if exists $get{v}; for my $term (@termlist) { print '', "\n"; printf "\n", $col{$term}[0] || $term; for my $num (1 .. $#{ $col{$term} }) { my ($rgb, $name) = split /:/, $col{$term}[$num], 3; $name ||= $num - 1; $name = [ $name, ['#333'] ] if $term eq 'xkcd'; print '', colcell($name, $rgb); } print "
\n\n"; } :>

88-colour space

<: for my $r (0 .. 3) { print ''; for my $g (0 .. 3) { print ''; for my $b (0 .. 3) { my $index = $r*4*4 + $g*4 + $b + 16; print colcell($index, map {(0, 139, 205, 255)[$_]} $r, $g, $b); } } print "
\n"; } print "\n"; print ''; print colcell(80+$_, (($_ + 2 + ($_>0)) * 255/11) x 3) for 0 .. 7; print "
\n\n"; :>
<: if ($ENV{PATH_INFO} =~ /256/) { :>

256-colour space

<: my @colmap; # saturation => value => hue => colcell for my $r (0 .. 5) { for my $g (0 .. 5) { for my $b (0 .. 5) { my $index = $r*6*6 + $g*6 + $b + 16; my @rgb = map { $_ && $_*40 + 55 } $r, $g, $b; my $h = Shiar_Sheet::Colour->new(@rgb)->hue * 35; my $v = int(max(@rgb) / 255 * 5); my $s = abs(min(@rgb) - max(@rgb)) / 255 * 7; my $grey = !$s; $h-- for grep {$h >= $_} 4, 6, 16, 19, 28, 31; $v = 5 - $v; $s = 7 - $s - $v; $s-- if $s; if ($grey) { $h = 30; # greyscale hue $s -= 2; # lowest saturation for other hues $v = $s = 0 if $s < 0; # black at full saturation } $colmap[$s][$v][$h] = [$index, @rgb]; } } } { print ''; printf '', 3 * @{$_} for @colmap; for my $h (0 .. 30) { print ''; print colcell(@$_) for map { $_->[$h] } map { @{$_} } @colmap; } print "
\n"; } print "\n"; print ''; for my $row (0, 12) { print ''; print colcell(232+$_, ($_*10 + 8) x 3) for $row .. $row+11; } print "
\n"; print "\n"; :>
<: } :>