<(common.inc.plp)><: use List::Util qw(max sum); my %scver = ( id => 'bw', name => 'Brood War', title => 'starcraft', game => 'StarCraft', major => 1, ); if ($ENV{PATH_INFO} and $ENV{PATH_INFO} eq '/2') { %scver = ( id => 'hots', name => 'Heart of the Swarm', title => 'starcraft2', game => 'StarCraft II', major => 2, ); } my $datafile = "sc-units-$scver{id}.inc.pl"; Html({ title => "$scver{title} unit cheat sheet", version => 'v1.1', description => [ "Reference of $scver{game} unit properties," . " comparing various statistics of all the units in $scver{name}" . ' including costs, damage, defense, speed, ranges, and abilities.', ], keywords => [ qw' starcraft game unit statistics stats comparison table sheet cheat reference software attributes properties ', $scver{major} < 2 ? qw' bw broodwar brood war ' : qw' starcraft2 hots ', ], stylesheet => [qw'light'], raw => '', data => [$datafile], }); print "

$scver{game} units

\n\n"; my $units = do $datafile; die "Cannot open unit data: $_\n" for $@ || $! || (); my $patch = shift @{$units} or die "Cannot open unit data: metadata not found\n"; print "

Unit properties as seen or measured in $scver{name}\n$patch.\n"; print "Also see the $_ table.\n" for join(', ', ('StarCraft 2: HotS') x ($scver{major} < 2), ('original SC: Brood War') x ($scver{major} > 1), ); print "

\n\n"; sub addupgrade { my ($ref, $increase, $org) = @_; if (ref $increase eq 'HASH') { addupgrade(\${$ref}->{$_}, $increase->{$_}, $org->{$_}) for keys %{$increase}; } elsif (ref $increase eq 'ARRAY') { addupgrade(\${$ref}->[$_], $increase->[$_], $org->[$_]) for 0 .. $#{$increase}; } ${$ref} //= $org; ${$ref} += $increase if $increase =~ /^-?[0-9.]+/; } for my $unit (@{$units}) { for my $upgrade (@{ $unit->{upgrade} }) { while (my ($col, $increase) = each %{$upgrade}) { defined $unit->{$col} or next; addupgrade(\$unit->{upgraded}->{$col}, $increase, $unit->{$col}); } } for my $special (@{ $unit->{special} }) { for my $upgrade (@{ $special->{upgrade} }) { while (my ($col, $increase) = each %{$upgrade}) { defined $special->{$col} or next; addupgrade(\$special->{upgraded}->{$col}, $increase, $special->{$col}); } } } } sub coltoggle { my ($name, $id, $nolink) = @_; return sprintf( (defined $get{order} ? $get{order} eq $id : !$id) ? '%2$s ▼' : $nolink ? '%2$s' : '%s', $id && "order=$id", $name ); } :> <: sub showrange { my ($min, $max) = @_; return '' if not defined $min; return $min || '-' if !$max or $min == $max; return "$min-$max"; } sub showrangeint { $_ &&= int($_ + .5) for @_; # round halves up return showrange(@_); } sub showcost { my ($row, $unit) = @_; return join(' ', sprintf('cost %s%%', join '-', map { $_ && sprintf '%.0f', 100 * $row->{cost} / $_ } grep { defined $_ } $unit->{energy}, $unit->{upgraded}->{energy}, $unit->{capacity}, $unit->{upgraded}->{capacity}, ), !defined $row->{maint} ? () : sprintf('+%s%%/s', join '-', map { sprintf '%.1f', 100 * $row->{maint} / $_ } grep $_, $unit->{capacity}, $unit->{upgraded}->{capacity}, ), ); } sub showattack { my ($row, $area) = @_; my $attack = $row->{attack}->[$area] or return '', '
<:= coltoggle('name', '') :> cost gas <:= coltoggle(qw'build cost') :> <:= coltoggle(qw'size size') :> attr HP shield attack <:= coltoggle(qw'dps attack 1') :> range sight speed specials
'; my $upattack = $row->{upgraded}->{attack}->[$area]; my $damage = $attack->{damage}; my $maxdamage = $upattack->{damage} // $damage; $maxdamage += ($upattack->{upgrade} // $attack->{upgrade}) * 3; my $out = ''; $out .= sprintf '¤ ', showcost($attack, $row) if $attack->{cost}; $out .= sprintf('%s× ', showrangeint($attack->{count}, $upattack->{count}), ) if $attack->{count} > 1; $out .= '*' if $attack->{type} eq 'explosive'; $out .= '~' if $attack->{type} eq 'implosive'; if (my @bonus = sort grep { !/^-/ } keys %{ $attack->{bonus} }) { $out .= sprintf('', (map { $_ eq 'light' ? 'unit-s' : $_ eq 'armored' ? 'unit-l' : $_ eq 'organic' ? 'unit-o' : $_ eq 'massive' ? 'unit-h' : $_ eq 'shields' ? 'unit-shield' : '', } join '_', @bonus), join(', ', map {( sprintf('+%s vs %s', showrangeint( $attack->{bonus}->{$_}, $attack->{bonus}->{$_} + $attack->{bonus}->{"-$_"} * 3, ), $_, ), )} @bonus), ); } $out .= '' if $attack->{type} eq 'projectile'; $out .= sprintf '', $attack->{name} if $attack->{name}; $out .= showrangeint($damage, $maxdamage); $out .= '' if $attack->{name}; $out .= sprintf('%s', $attack->{splash} eq 'line' ? ('linear', '+') : ('splash', '⁜') ) if $attack->{splash}; $out .= ''; if ($attack->{dps}) { # precalculated dps, do not touch $out .= showrangeint($attack->{dps}->[0], $upattack->{dps}->[-1] // $attack->{dps}->[-1] ); } elsif ($attack->{cooldown}) { if (my $type = $attack->{type}) { if ($type eq 'explosive') { $damage /= 2; } elsif ($type eq 'implosive') { $damage /= 4; } } $damage *= ($attack->{count} // 1) / $attack->{cooldown}; if (my $bonus = $upattack->{bonus} // $attack->{bonus}) { $maxdamage += $_ for max( map { $bonus->{$_} + $bonus->{"-$_"} * 3 } grep { !/^-/ } keys %{$bonus} ); } $maxdamage *= ($upattack->{count} // $attack->{count} // 1) / ($upattack->{cooldown} // $attack->{cooldown}); $out .= showrangeint($damage, $maxdamage); } $out .= '' . '▽' x !!($attack->{anti} & 1); $out .= '' . '△' x !!($attack->{anti} & 2); $out .= '' . showrangeint($attack->{range}, $upattack->{range}); return $out; } sub showmagic { my ($row) = @_; my $specials = $row->{special} or return ''; return join ' ', map { sprintf '%s', $_->{duration} < 0 && ' class="magic-perma"', join('', $_->{name}, $_->{desc} ? ": $_->{desc}" : '', (map { $_ && " ($_)" } join ', ', #TODO: apply upgrades $_->{range} ? "range $_->{range}" : (), $_->{cost} ? showcost($_, $row) : $_->{cooldown} ? "cooldown $_->{cooldown}s" : (), ), ), sprintf($_->{build} ? '(%s)' : '%s', $_->{abbr}), } grep { defined $_->{abbr} } @{$specials}; } sub showunitcols { my ($row) = @_; local $_ = $row; $_->{hp} += $_->{shield} if $_->{shield}; return ( '' . ($_->{min} // ''), '' . ($_->{gas} || ''), !defined $_->{build} ? '' : sprintf('%s%.0f', !!$_->{base} && '+', $_->{build} || '0', ), sprintf('%s', $_-> {cargo} < 0 ? ('supply', T => 'transport') : $_->{upgraded}->{cargo} < 0 ? ('supply magic-opt', T => 'optional transport') : $_->{attr}->{flying} ? ('air', F => 'flying') : $_->{attr}->{structure} ? ('x', B => 'building') : ( [qw( x s m l l h h h h )]->[ $_->{cargo} ], $_->{cargo} || '-', $_->{cargo} ? 'transportable' : 'untransportable', ), defined $_->{size} && sprintf('⌀%.1f ', $_->{size}), ), sprintf('%s', defined $_->{pop} && $_->{pop} < 0 && ' unit-supply', defined $_->{pop} && $_->{pop} == .5 ? '½' : $_->{pop}, ), '' . join('', grep { $_ } (defined $_->{organic} ? !$_->{organic} : $_->{attr}->{mech}) && 'm', ($_->{organic} || $_->{attr}->{organic}) && 'o', $_->{attr}->{psionic} && 'ψ', ), '' . join('', grep { $_ } $_->{attr}->{armored} && 'A', $_->{attr}->{light} && 'L', $_->{suit} && sprintf( '%s', map { @{$_} } [ [qw( x ? unknown )], [qw( s S small )], [qw( m M medium )], [qw( l L large )], ]->[ $_->{suit} ], ), $_->{attr}->{massive} && '', ), '' . $_->{hp} // '', $_->{shield} ? sprintf('%.0f%%{shield} / $_->{hp} ) : '' . showrangeint($_->{armor}, $_->{upgraded}->{armor}), showattack($_, 0), '' . sprintf( $_->{detect} ? '%s' : '%s', showrangeint($_->{sight}, $_->{upgraded}->{sight}) ), sprintf('%s', showrange( map { $_ && sprintf '%.1f', $_ } $_->{speed}, $_->{upgraded}->{speed} ), defined $_->{creep} && sprintf(' title="%s on creep"', $_->{creep} == 1 ? 'same' : showrange( map { $_ && sprintf '%.1f', $_ } $_->{speed} * $_->{creep}, $_->{upgraded}->{speed} && $_->{upgraded}->{speed} * ($_->{upgraded}->{creep} // $_->{creep}), ), ), ), $_->{attr}->{jump} && qq'', '' . showmagic($_), !$_->{attack}->[1] ? () : ( '
', showattack($_, 1), '' ), !$_->{attack}->[2] ? () : ( '
', showattack($_, 2), '' ), "\n" ); } my $grouped = 1; # race headers if (exists $get{order}) { $grouped = 0; $get{order} ||= ''; if ($get{order} eq 'size') { $_->{order} = ( $_->{pop}*16 + ($_->{size} // $_->{suit}) + $_->{cargo}/8 + $_->{hp}/512 + $_->{min}/8192 ) for @$units; } elsif ($get{order} eq 'cost') { $_->{order} = ( $_->{gas}*1.5 + $_->{min} + $_->{pop}/8 + $_->{build}/256/8 ) for @$units; } elsif ($get{order} eq 'attack') { $_->{order} = $_->{hp} / 1024 + $_->{shield} / 1008 + max( map { ($_->{damage} + $_->{upgrade} * 3) * ($_->{count} // 1) / ($_->{cooldown} // 1) * ($_->{splash} ? 1.01 : 1) * ($_->{type} eq 'implosive' ? .96 : 1) * ($_->{type} eq 'explosive' ? .98 : 1) } @{ $_->{attack} } ) for @$units; } else { $units->[$_]->{order} = $_ for 0 .. $#$units; } } my @rows = @{$units}; @rows = sort {$a->{order} <=> $b->{order}} @rows unless $grouped; my ($race, $cat) = ('', ''); for (@rows) { if ($grouped) { printf '


'."\n", $race = $_->{race}, ucfirst $race unless $race eq $_->{race}; } else { $_->{cat} = $_->{race}; } print( '
', $cat ne $_->{cat} && ($cat = $_->{cat}), '', $_->{name}, showunitcols($_), ); for my $subrow (@{ $_->{special} }) { $subrow->{alt} or next; print( '
', $subrow->{alt}, showunitcols($subrow), ); } } :>


minerals+gas required to create one unit
includes total expenses if based on existing units
relative time needed to create at least one unit
excludes construction of dependencies such as buildings and +parent units
Transports can fit upto 8 non-Flying units
number of command points taken per unit
<: if ($scver{major} > 1) { :>received damage depends on organic, mechanic, ψ(ps)ionic, Light, and Armored attributes
massive units cannot be lifted or slowed and can break force fields<: } else { :>organic/mechanic unit
affected by Small, Medium, or Large unit damage<: } :>
total number of hitpoints (including shields)
percentage of HP in shields
shields always take full damage, irrelevant of unit size
does not take armor bonuses, but upgrades can decrease damage to any shield hit by upto 3
base unit armor
can be increased by upto 3 at various facilities
each point decreases damage per hit by one, upto a minimum of ½
reduction applies to initial damage, before size penalties (so a plasma hit of 12 to 4 armor large deals 2 damage, not ½)
damage given per single hit
dps indicates relative amount of damage done in 1 second of in-game time
splash damage hits all objects nearby or in a straight line +.
<: if ($scver{major} > 1) { :>does not include bonus damage dealt to susceptible unit types
projectile shots are negated by Point Defense Drones<: } else { :>*explosive damage does only 50% damage to small units, 75% to medium, 100% to large
~concussive/plasma damage does 25% to large, 50% medium, 100% to small units<: } :>
targets  ground and/or  air
maximum range of weapon (note Sieged Tank also has a minimum range)
range in which the unit detects other units
emphasis indicates ability to detect cloaked units
top movement speed in hex per second
acceleration and deceleration ignored
parentheses () indicate that it needs to be researched first
passive abilities are always enabled
hover for description
range is maximum range required to activate
cost is energy loss percentage on spawn and when fully charged

When two values are given (1-2), second value indicates attribute after all possible upgrades.