<(common.inc.plp)><: Html({ title => 'readline cheat sheet', version => 'v1.1', description => [ "Reference sheet of default key bindings for GNU readline,", "used for line-editing in most Unix software, notably Emacs and Bash.", ], keywords => [qw' readline gnu bash emacs sheet cheat reference overview keyboard editing curses '], stylesheet => [qw'light dark circus mono red terse'], keys => 1, }); :>

readline cheat sheet

default emacs mode

<: use Shiar_Sheet::Keyboard 2; my $info = do 'readline.eng.inc.pl' or die $@; $info->{def} = do 'readline.inc.pl'; my $keys = Shiar_Sheet::Keyboard->new($info); $keys->map($get{map}) or undef $get{map}; $keys->print_rows($get{rows} || '^x=213', [4,3,2]); :>
<: $keys->print_legend('legend-types', [qw( ci pm co mi mo mv me )]) :>
<: $keys->print_legend('legend-options', [qw( arg new ext )]) :>