<(common.inc.plp)><: Html({ title => 'character support sheet', version => 'v1.0', keywords => [qw' unicode glyph char character reference common ipa symbol sign mark table digraph '], stylesheet => [qw'light dark mono circus red'], data => [qw'unicode-table.inc.pl unicode-char.inc.pl'], }); :>

Character support

Selected characters from Unicode preset or range.

<: use 5.010; use Shiar_Sheet::FormatChar; my $glyphs = Shiar_Sheet::FormatChar->new; my %oslist = ( win95 => [qw/arial ariuni verdana times/], mac10 => [qw//], oss => ['dv ss', qw/droid c2k guf/], android => ['droid'], ); my @ossel = qw(win95 oss); my $tables = do 'unicode-table.inc.pl' or die $@ || $!; my (%font, @fontlist); for my $os (@ossel) { my $osfonts = $oslist{$os}; for my $fontid (@{$osfonts}) { push @fontlist, $fontid; my ($fontmeta, @fontrange) = do "ttfsupport/$fontid.inc.pl"; $fontmeta or next; $font{$fontid} = { -id => $fontmeta->{id} || $fontid, -name => $fontmeta->{name}, map { (chr $_ => 1) } @fontrange }; } } my @config = qw( punctuation/common punctuation/marks latin/sample symbols/signs1 ); $_ and m{/*+(.+)} and @config = split /[ ]/, $1 for $ENV{PATH_INFO}, $get{q}; @config = qw(ipa/cons ipa/vowels) if 0; for (@config) { my ($tablegroup, $tablename) = split m{/}, $_, 2; print ''; printf '', "$tablegroup: $tablename"; say ''; print '' x 3; print "" for 2, map { scalar @{$oslist{$_}} } @ossel; print ''; print ''; my $table = $tables->{$tablegroup}->{$tablename}; for my $chr (@$table) { $chr =~ m/^\./ .. 1 or next; given ($chr) { when (/^[.]/) { print "\n"; next; } when ([qw(> - =)]) { next; } } my $ex = s/^-//; my $codepoint = ord $chr; my $ascii = $codepoint <= 127; print "
char'; print 'name'; print 'dihtml'; printf('%s', (map { scalar @{$_}, join(', ', map { $_->{-name} } @font{ @{$_} }), } $oslist{$_}), $_, ) for @ossel; say '
$chr\n"; my $info = $glyphs->glyph_info($codepoint); my ($class, $name, $mnem, $html, $string) = @$info; print "$_" for sprintf('%X', $codepoint), EscapeHTML($name); printf '%s', @$_ for ( [$ascii ? 'l0' : defined $mnem ? 'l4' : 'l1', $mnem // ''], [$ascii ? 'l0' : defined $html ? 'l4' : 'l1', $html // ''], (map { !$font{$_}->{-id} ? [l0 => "$_?"] : $font{$_}->{$chr} ? [l4 => $font{$_}->{-id}] : [l1 => ''] } @fontlist), ); } say "
\n"; } :>