<(common.inc.plp)><: Html({ title => 'digit characters sheet', version => '1.0', description => [ "Character comparison,", "tracking letters as they evolve from Phoenician to modern scripts.", "Good Unicode test sample.", ], keywords => [qw' script glyph unicode writing comparison character alphabet letter history phoenician latin sample test language multilingual '], stylesheet => [qw'light dark red'], data => [qw'writing-digits.inc.pl'], }); :>

Writing systems

Also see comparison of writing systems.

<: use Shiar_Sheet::FormatChar; my $glyphs = Shiar_Sheet::FormatChar->new; unless (exists $get{v}) { $glyphs->{unicode}--; $glyphs->{anno} = []; $glyphs->{style} = 'univer'; } my $scriptname = do 'writing-script.inc.pl'; $_ = qq{$_} for $scriptname->{latn} || (); my @table = do "writing-digits.inc.pl"; die "Table data not found: $_\n" for $@ || $! || (); $glyphs->print([map { ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$_} : map { ".>$_" } $scriptname->{"digits_$_"} || $scriptname->{$_} || $_ } @table]); :>