<: use utf8; use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'qw'; # to quote or not to quote, that is the question use open IO => ':utf8'; our $VERSION = '1.0'; $header{content_type} = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'; :> digraph cheat sheet <: my %styles = map {$_ => $_} qw(dark circus mono red terse); our $style = exists $get{style} && $styles{$get{style}} || 'light'; printf(qq{\n}, $_ eq $style ? 'stylesheet' : 'alternate stylesheet', "$_.css", $_ ) for keys %styles; :>

RFC-1345 Digraphs

i^k in Vim. Also see common digraphs.

Unofficial proposals are available as ex commands.

<: my $di = do 'digraphs.inc.pl'; sub quote { local $_ = shift; s/"/"/g; s//>/g; return $_; } my @chars = ( [qw{! " % ' ( ) * + , - . /}], ['0'..'9'], [qw{: ; < = > ?}], ['A'..'M'], ['N'..'Z'], ['a'..'m'], ['n'..'z'], ); my @chars2 = (['_'], @chars); # trailing character (extended set) print ''; print qq'' for map {scalar @$_} @chars2; print "\n"; for my $section (qw{thead tfoot}) { print "<$section>'; for my $c1 (@$c1group) { print '
↳"; print '', quote($_) for map {@$_} @chars2; print " \n"; } for my $c1group (@chars) { print '
', quote($c1); for my $c2 (map {@$_} @chars2) { my $mnem = $c1 . $c2; if (not defined $di->{$mnem}) { print ''; next; } if (ref $di->{$mnem} ne 'ARRAY') { printf '', quote($mnem); next; } my ($codepoint, $name, $prop, $script, $string) = @{ $di->{$mnem} }; my $glyph = $string || chr $codepoint; utf8::upgrade($glyph); # prevent latin1 output my $desc = $mnem . ($name && " ($name)"); my @class = ('X', grep {$_} $prop, $script); $glyph = quote($glyph); $glyph = "$glyph" if $prop eq 'Zs'; printf "\n".'%s', join(' ', @class), quote($desc), $glyph; } print "\n", quote($c1), "\n"; } } print "
\n"; :>
control spacing modifier spacing modifier quote punctuation symbol math currency numeric greek cyrillic latin hebrew arabic korean japanese chinese
unicode latin1 ascii proposed