<(common.inc.plp)><: our $VERSION = 'v1.0'; :> sheet page source code <:= stylesheet(qw'light dark mono red') :> <: my $source = $ENV{PATH_INFO}; $source =~ s{^/}{}; if (not $source) { print "

Source files

"; print "

Project code distributed under the AGPL. Please contribute back.

"; print '\n\n"; } else { print "

Source of $source

\n"; if ($source =~ m{(?:/|^)\.}) { die "File request not permitted\n"; } elsif ($source =~ s{::}{/}g or !-e $source) { $source .= '.pm'; for (0 .. $#{@INC}) { -e ($_ = "$INC[$_]/$source") or next; $source = $_; last; } } -r $source or die "Requested file not found\n"; require Text::VimColor; delete $Text::VimColor::SYNTAX_TYPE{Underlined}; my %TYPETAG = ( Statement => 'strong', Error => 'em', Todo => 'em', ); my $hl = Text::VimColor->new( file => $source, vim_options => [@Text::VimColor::VIM_OPTIONS, '+:set enc=utf-8'], ); my $parsed = $hl->marked; print "
	foreach (@$parsed) {
		my $tag = $_->[0] && ($TYPETAG{ $_->[0] } || 'span');
		my $arg = '';
		print "<$tag$arg class=\"sy-\l$_->[0]\">" if $tag;
		if ($_->[0] eq 'Constant'
		and $_->[1] =~ s{^(['"])(/?[a-z0-9_.]+\.(?:plp?|css|js))(?=\1$)}{}) {
			printf '%s%s', $1, "/source/$2", $2;
		if (!$_->[0] and $_->[1] =~ s/^(\s*)([A-Z]\w+(?:::\w+)+)(?![^;\s])//) {
			printf '%s%s', $1, "/source/$2", $2;
		print Text::VimColor::_xml_escape($_->[1]);
		print "" if $tag;
	print "
\n"; } :>