<(common.inc.plp)><: Html({ title => 'keyboard cheat sheet', version => '1.1', description => [ "Windows US international keyboard layout table", "with the AltGr modifier key.", ], stylesheet => [qw( light dark circus mono red )], keys => 1, }); :>

keyboard cheat sheet

Special characters returned with the AltGr modifier for the Windows US international layout.

normal mode (default)

<: use Shiar_Sheet::Keyboard 2.07; use Unicode::Normalize qw( NFKD ); use Text::Unidecode qw( unidecode ); my @usintrows = ( [ 'a' .. 'z'], [qw(Á B ¢ Ð É F G H Í J Œ Ø µ Ñ Ó Ö Ä ® § Þ Ú V Å X Ü Æ)], [qw(á b © ð é f g h í j œ ø µ ñ ó ö ä ® ß þ ú v å x ü æ)], [qw(Å ı Ç ð ´ ̉ ˝ ̣ ˆ ½  Þ ¾ ˜ Ø ∏ Œ ‰ / ˇ ¨ ◊ „ ˛ ¼ ¸)], [qw(å ∫ ç ∂ ́ ƒ © ˙ ̂ ∆ ° ¬ µ ̃ ø π œ ® ß † ̈ √ ∑ ≈ ¥ Ω)], ); my @usint = ( map { my $c = $_; [ map { $usintrows[$_]->[$c] } 0 .. 2 ] } 0 .. $#{ $usintrows[0] } ); my $keys = Shiar_Sheet::Keyboard->new({ def => { '' => { map { my @row = @{$_}; my $class = ( !defined $row[2] || $row[0] eq $row[2] ? 1 # identical : NFKD($row[2]) =~ $row[0] ? 2 # decomposed equivalent : $row[2] =~ /^\p{Latin}/ ? 4 # latin script : unidecode($row[2]) =~ /^\W*\Q$row[0]/ ? 5 # transliterated : $row[2] =~ /^\p{Mn}/ ? 8 # combining accent : 7 ); $row[0] => "g$class" } @usint }, }, key => { map { $_->[0] => "$_->[1]
$_->[2]" } @usint }, flag => { g1 => ['unaltered'], g2 => ['accented'], g4 => ['latin'], g7 => ['other'], g8 => ['combining'], }, }); $keys->map($get{map}) or undef $get{map}; $keys->print_rows($get{rows}, [0]); $keys->print_legends(\%get);