#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use open OUT => ':utf8', ':std'; use Data::Dumper; our $VERSION = '1.02'; # expect input data source at command line @ARGV or die "Specify input source file or - for STDIN\n"; # skip everything until a character indented by 1 space (table start) do { $_ = readline; defined or die "Premature input end"; } until /^\s\S/; my @t = $_; # add first line (already read, assume it's ok) # read the rest of the character table while ($_ = readline) { # check for table end (chapter 4) last if /^\d/; # parse table lines (ignore (unindented) page break) next unless s/^ //; chomp; # add the line to @t if (s/^ {15}/ /) { # continuation line (add to last entry) $t[-1] .= $_; } else { # add a new entry push @t, $_; } } # create a hash of desired input my %di; for (@t) { my ($mnem, $char, $name) = split / +/, $_, 3; next if length $mnem != 2; $di{$mnem} = hex $char; } # XXX my %trans = ( 0xE001 => 0, # join lines: not accepted 0xE004 => 0, # umlaut is no different from diaeresis 0x0308 0xE005 => 0x0344, # discouraged 0xE006 => 0x0300, 0xE007 => 0x0301, 0xE008 => 0x0302, 0xE009 => 0x0303, 0xE00A => 0x0304, 0xE00B => 0x0306, 0xE00C => 0x0307, 0xE00D => 0x0308, 0xE00E => 0x030A, 0xE00F => 0x030B, 0xE010 => 0x030C, 0xE011 => 0x0327, 0xE012 => 0x0328, 0xE013 => 0x0332, 0xE014 => 0x0333, 0xE015 => 0x0338, 0xE016 => 0x0345, 0xE017 => 0x0314, 0xE018 => 0x0313, 0xE019 => 0x1FFE, 0xE01A => 0x1FBF, 0xE01B => 0x03D0, # middle beta = curled beta? 0xE01C => 0x25CB, 0xE01D => 0x0192, 0xE01E => 0x0292, 0xE01F => 0x33C2, # am, compatibility char 0xE020 => 0x33D8, # pm, compatibility char 0xE021 => 0x2121, 0xE022 => 0xFE8E, 0xE023 => 0, # dutch guilder 0192 is already encoded, and not very useful anyway 0xE024 => 0x0393, 0xE025 => 0x20D7, # also 20D1; non-spacing 0xE026 => 0x1FEF, 0xE027 => 0x1FC0, 0xE028 => 0x01F0, #but uppercase ); for (values %di) { $_ >= 0xE000 or next; $_ = $trans{$_} if defined $trans{$_}; } # personal addendums my @extra; if (-r 'shiar.inc.txt') { open my $include, '<:utf8', 'shiar.inc.txt'; for (readline $include) { m{^(\$?[!"%'-Z_a-z]{2}) (.)} or next; warn("$1 already defined"), next if defined $di{$1}; $di{$1} = ord $2; push @extra, $1; } } warn $@ if $@; $di{chr $_} = $_ for 32 .. 126; $di{'\\'.$_} = delete $di{$_} for '{', '}', '\\'; # optionally get unicode character information my %info = eval { require Unicode::UCD; map { $_ => Unicode::UCD::charinfo($di{$_}) || { block => '?', category => 'Xn', name => '', script => '' } } keys %di; }; # add custom categories for certain blocks for (values %info) { $_->{category} .= ' Xa' if $_->{block} eq 'Basic Latin'; $_->{category} .= ' Xl' if $_->{block} eq 'Latin-1 Supplement'; } # mark unofficial extras as such $info{$_}->{category} .= ' Xz' for @extra; for (keys %di) { $info{$_}->{string} = chr(9676) . chr($di{$_}) if $info{$_}->{combining}; # find control characters (first 32 chars from 0 and 128) next unless ($di{$_} & ~0b1001_1111) == 0 or $di{$_} == 127; # rename to something more descriptive $info{$_}->{name} = $info{$_}->{unicode10} ? '<'.$info{$_}->{unicode10}.'>' # the old name was much more useful : sprintf('', $di{$_}); # at least identify by value # show descriptive symbols instead of control chars themselves $info{$_}->{string} = $di{$_} < 32 ? chr($di{$_} + 0x2400) : chr(0xFFFD); } # presentational string for some control(lish) entries $info{$_}->{string} = '-' for grep { $di{$_} == 0x00AD } keys %di; $info{$_}->{string} = '␣' for grep { $di{$_} == 0x200B } keys %di; $info{$_}->{string} = '|' for grep { $di{$_} == 0x200C } keys %di; $info{$_}->{string} = '⁀' for grep { $di{$_} == 0x200D } keys %di; $info{$_}->{string} = '→' for grep { $di{$_} == 0x200E } keys %di; $info{$_}->{string} = '←' for grep { $di{$_} == 0x200F } keys %di; # convert info hashes into arrays of strings to output in display order for my $row (values %info) { $row = [ map { $row->{$_} } qw/name category script string/ ]; # strip off trailing missing values (especially string may be unknown) defined $row->[-1] ? last : pop @$row for 1 .. @$row; } # output perl code of hash # (assume no backslashes or curlies, so we can just q{} w/o escaping) print "# automatically generated by $0\n"; print "use utf8;\n"; print "+{\n"; printf '(map {$_=>0} qw{%s}),'."\n", join(' ', map { substr($_, 1, 1).substr($_, 0, 1) } sort keys %di ); printf "q{%s}=>[%s],\n", $_, join(',', $di{$_}, # original code point $info{$_} # optional additional arguments ? map {"'$_'"} @{ $info{$_} } : () ) for sort keys %di; print "}\n"; __END__ =head1 NAME mkdigraphlist - Output digraph data from RFC-1345 =head1 SYNOPSIS Extract digraphs from text specifications as a perl hash: mkdigraphlist rfc1345.txt custom.txt > digraphs.inc.pl Input can be the literal RFC (or similar) document: curl http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1345.txt | mkdigraphlist - Test by printing the character for DO (should be a dollar sign): perl -e'$di = do "digraphs.inc.pl"; print chr $di->{DO}->[0]' =head1 DESCRIPTION Parses the official RFC-1345 document, searching the 'character mnemonic table' for all digraph definitions. If successful, Perl code is output resulting in a hash with character data keyed by digraph. Any errors and warnings are given at STDERR. The value can either be a scalar string containing another digraph which can be considered identical (usually inverted), or an array ref containing at least the resulting character's Unicode code point value. If available, the following UCD data is appended: character name, category, script, and output string. For example: +{ AE => [198, 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE', 'Lu Xl', 'Latin'], EA => 'AE', } =head1 AUTHOR Mischa POSLAWSKY =head1 LICENSE Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.