#!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.012; use warnings; my %cc; # map of country code to info array %cc = ( # exceptional reservations ac => ["Ascension Island", "c-oc Xr", undef, 'sh'], cp => ["Clipperton Island", "c-na Xr"], dg => ["Diego Garcia", "c-as Xr", undef, 'io'], ea => ["Ceuta and Melilla", "c-af Xr"], eu => ["European Union", "c-eu Xr"], fx => ["Metropolitan France", "c-eu Xr", undef, 'fr'], ic => ["Canary Islands", "c-af Xr"], su => ["former USSR", "c-eu Xr"], ta => ["Tristan da Cunha", "c-oc Xr", undef, 'sh'], uk => ["(United Kingdom)", "c-eu Xr", undef, 'gb'], # indeterminate reservations dy => ["(Benin)", "c-af Xr", undef, 'bj'], ew => ["(Estonia)", "c-eu Xr", undef, 'ee'], fl => ["(Liechtenstein)", "c-eu Xr", undef, 'li'], ja => ["(Jamaica)", "c-na Xr", undef, 'jm'], lf => ["Libya Fezzan", "c-af Xr", "Fezzan", 'ly'], pi => ["(Philippines)", "c-as Xr", undef, 'ph'], ra => ["(Argentina)", "c-sa Xr", undef, 'ar'], rb => ["Bolivia/Botswana", "c-xx Xr"], rc => ["(RoC)", "c-as Xr", undef, 'tw'], rh => ["(Haiti)", "c-na Xr",undef, 'ht'], ri => ["(Indonesia)", "c-as Xr", undef, 'id'], rl => ["(Lebanon)", "c-as Xr", undef, 'lb'], rm => ["(Madagascar)", "c-af Xr", undef, 'mg'], rn => ["(Niger)", "c-af Xr",undef, 'ne'], rp => ["(Philippines)", "c-as Xr", undef, 'ph'], wg => ["(Grenada)", "c-na Xr", undef, 'gd'], wl => ["(Saint Lucia)", "c-na Xr", "(Saint Luc.)", 'lc'], wv => ["(Saint Vincent)", "c-na Xr", "(Saint Vin.)", 'vc'], yv => ["(Venezuela)", "c-sa Xr", undef, 've'], ); while (<>) { /^#/ and next; # skip comments my ($iso, $name, $cont) = (split /\t/)[0, 4, 8]; $cont =~ s/\AAN\z/aa/; # different antarctica abbreviation my $class = "c-\L$cont"; $cc{ lc $iso } = [ $name, $class ]; } $cc{io}->[2] = "Chagos Islands"; $cc{um}->[2] = "U.S. isl."; for (values %cc) { for ($_->[2] //= $_->[0]) { s/,.*//; s/(?<=.)\(.*\)\s*//; s/ republic\b//gi; s/ islands?\b//gi; s/\bthe //g; s/ and / & /g and s/(?<=.)[a-z ]+//g; s/\bsaint /st /gi; s/South(?:ern)? /S-/g; s/North(?:ern)? /N-/g; s/New /n./g; s/(\S)(\S+)-/$1-/g; # strip most chars preceding dash s/(\S{4}[b-df-hj-np-tv-xz])((? countries.inc.pl