<: use utf8; use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'qw'; # you know what you doing no warnings 'uninitialized'; # save some useless checks for more legible code use open ':std' => ':utf8'; use File::stat 'stat'; use HTTP::Date; $PLP::ERROR = sub { my ($text, $html) = @_; print '

Fatal error: '.$html."

\n\n"; }; our $style; our $showkeys = !exists $get{keys} ? undef : ($get{keys} ne '0' && ($get{keys} || 'always')); $header{content_type} = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'; sub stylesheet { my %styles = map {$_ => $_} @_; if (defined( my $setstyle = $get{style} )) { $style = $styles{ $setstyle }; eval { require CGI::Cookie; my $cookie = CGI::Cookie->new( -name => 'style', -value => $setstyle || '', -path => '/', # site-wide; current page is confusing to most users -expires => $setstyle ? '+5y' : '-1d', ) or die "empty object returned\n"; AddCookie($cookie->as_string); } or warn "Unable to create style cookie: $@"; } $style ||= exists $cookie{style} && $styles{ $cookie{style} } || $_[0]; return join "\n", map { sprintf( '', $_ eq $style ? 'stylesheet' : 'alternate stylesheet', "/$_.css?1.9", $_ ) } @_; } sub checkmodified { my $lastmod; for (@_) { my $mod = stat $_ or next; $mod = $mod->mtime or next; $lastmod = $mod if $mod gt $lastmod; } for ($ENV{HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE} || ()) { next if str2time($_) < $lastmod; $header{status} = '304 Same old'; exit; } $header{'Last-Modified'} = time2str($lastmod); } sub Html { my ($meta) = @_; # announce and check data modification checkmodified( $ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME}, (grep { /\bShiar_/ } values %INC), $meta->{data} ? @{ $meta->{data} } : (), ); $header{'Cache-Control'} = sprintf 'max-age: ', 24*60*60; # default fallbacks $meta->{stylesheet} ||= [qw'light dark circus mono red terse']; $meta->{charset} ||= 'utf-8'; ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' or $_ = [$_] for $meta->{raw}; # optional amends push @{ $meta->{raw} }, ( '', '', !$showkeys ? '' : $showkeys eq 'ghost' ? '' : (), '', ) if $meta->{keys}; # flatten arrays ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' and $_ = join ' ', @$_ for $meta->{description}; ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' and $_ = join ', ', @$_ for $meta->{keywords}; ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' and $_ = join "\n", @$_ for $meta->{raw}; ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' and $_ = stylesheet(@$_)."\n" for $meta->{stylesheet}; # other vars my ($file) = $ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME} =~ m{ ([^/]+) \.plp$ }x; # leading output $header{content_type} = "text/html; charset=$meta->{charset}"; print <<"EOT"; $meta->{title} EOT print $_, "\n" for $meta->{stylesheet} || (); print $_, "\n" for $meta->{raw} || (); print qq{\n\n\n}; # dev indicator printf '


', join('; ', 'position: fixed', 'right: 1em', 'opacity: .5', 'border: 1ex solid red', 'border-width: 1ex 0', 'z-index: 1', 'background: inherit', ) if $ENV{HTTP_HOST} =~ /\bdev\./; # prepare trailing output PLP_END { print <<"EOT"; EOT }; }