<(common.inc.plp)><: use 5.010; use utf8; use List::Util qw(sum max first); Html({ title => 'browser compatibility cheat sheet', version => 'v1.0', description => [ "Compatibility table of new web features (HTML5, CSS3, SVG, Javascript)", "comparing support and usage share for all popular browser versions.", ], keywords => [qw' web browser support compatibility usage available feature html html5 css css3 svg javascript js dom mobile ie internet explorer firefox chrome safari webkit opera '], stylesheet => [qw'circus dark mono red light'], data => ['browser-support.inc.pl'], }); say "

Browser compatibility

\n"; my $caniuse = do 'browser-support.inc.pl' or die $! || $@; $_->{verrelease} = { # mark last two (future) versions as unreleased, ensure current isn't map { $_->[-1] => 0, $_->[-2] => 0, $_->[-3] => undef } $_->{versions} } for values %{ $caniuse->{agents} }; my %CSTATS = ( 'n' => 'l1', 'n d' => 'l2', 'n x d' => 'l2 ex', 'p d' => 'l2', 'a d' => 'l2', 'y' => 'l5', 'y x' => 'l5 ex', 'a' => 'l3', 'a x' => 'l3 ex', 'p j' => 'l2', 'j' => 'l2', 'p' => 'l2', 'p p' => 'l2', 'u' => 'l0', ); my %DSTATS = ( u => 'unknown', n => 'unsupported', p => 'plugin required', j => 'javascript required', a => 'partial', y => 'supported', d => 'disabled by default', x => sub { join(' ', 'requires prefix', (map "-$_-", $caniuse->{agents}->{$_[0]}->{prefix} // ()), ); }, ); my %CSTATUS = ( unoff => 'l1', # unofficial wd => 'l3', # draft cr => 'l4', # candidate pr => 'l4', # proposed rec => 'l5', # recommendation other => 'l2', # non-w3 ietf => 'l5', # standard ); my %versions; if (my ($somerow) = values %{ $caniuse->{data} }) { while (my ($browser, $row) = each %{ $somerow->{stats} }) { $versions{$browser} = [ sort { paddedver($a) cmp paddedver($b) } keys %$row ]; } } my @browsers = keys %versions; print <<'';

Alternate rendition of Fyrd's when can I use... page my ($canihas, $usage, $minusage); given ($get{usage} // 'wm') { when (!$_) { # none } when (!/^[a-z][\w-]+$/) { printf "

Invalid browser usage data request: %s", 'identifier must be alphanumeric name or 0'; } $canihas = do "browser-usage-$_.inc.pl" or do { printf "

Browser usage data not found: %s", $! || $@; break; }; $usage = $_; my $ref = $canihas->{-title} || 'unknown'; $ref = sprintf '%s', $_, $ref for $canihas->{-site} || $canihas->{-source} || (); $ref .= " $_" for $canihas->{-date} || (); print "\nwith $ref browser usage statistics"; } if ($usage) { # first() does not work inside given >:( # adapt version usage to actual support data my %engineuse; # prefix => usage sum for my $browser (keys %versions) { my $row = $canihas->{$browser} // {}; my $verlist = $versions{$browser} or next; my %supported = map { $_ => 1 } @$verlist; # cascade unknown versions $row->{$_} //= undef for @$verlist; # ensure stable keys during iteration while (my ($version, $usage) = each %$row) { next if defined $supported{$version}; my $next = first { paddedver($_) ge paddedver($version) } @$verlist or warn("No fallback found for $browser v$version; $usage% ignored"), next; $row->{$next} += $usage; $row->{$version} = 0; # balance browser total } # build row list for each version if ($minusage = $get{threshold} // .5) { my @vershown; # $verlist replacement my ($rowusage, @verrow) = (0); # replacement row tracking for (@$verlist) { push @verrow, $_; # queue each version if (($rowusage += $row->{$_}) >= $minusage) { push @vershown, [@verrow]; # add row ($rowusage, @verrow) = (0); # reset row tracking } } push @vershown, \@verrow if @verrow; # always add latest @$verlist = @vershown; } else { @$verlist = map { [$_] } @$verlist; } # reusable aggregates (grouped by prefix (engine) and browser) $engineuse{ $caniuse->{agents}->{$browser}->{prefix} } += $row->{-total} = sum(values %$row); } # order browser columns by usage grouped by engine @browsers = sort { $engineuse{ $caniuse->{agents}->{$b}->{prefix} } <=> $engineuse{ $caniuse->{agents}->{$a}->{prefix} } || $canihas->{$b}->{-total} <=> $canihas->{$a}->{-total} } @browsers; } else { # order browser columns by name grouped by engine @browsers = sort { $caniuse->{agents}->{$b}->{prefix} cmp $caniuse->{agents}->{$a}->{prefix} || $a cmp $b } @browsers; } :>.

<: $canihas ||= { map { $_ => +{ map { my $zero = $#$_ - 2; # baseline index ($_->[$zero - 2] => .5), # past ($_->[$zero - 1] => 10 ), # previous ($_->[$zero + 2] => 0 ), # future ($_->[$zero + 1] => .5), # next ($_->[$zero ] => 30 ), # current } $caniuse->{agents}->{$_}->{versions} } } @browsers }; # fallback hash based on release semantics my $usagemax = (max(map { ref $_ eq 'HASH' && sum(values %$_) } values %$canihas) // 1) / 100; my $usagepct = 1; # score multiplier for 0..100 result # normalise usage percentage to only include shown browsers $usagepct = 100.01 / featurescore({ # yes for every possible version map { $_ => { map {$_ => 'y'} map { @{$_} } @{$versions{$_}} } } keys %versions }); print ''; print ''; # should match first thead row printf '', scalar @{ $versions{$_} } for @browsers; say ''; my $header = join('', '', '', $header; # preceding row without any colspan to work around gecko bug print "\n"; print ''; say '', $header, ''; sub featurescore { # relative amount of support for given feature state $statspts = { y=>1, 'y x'=>1, a=>.5, 'a x'=>.5, j=>.2, 'p j'=>.2, 'p p'=>.2, p=>.1 }; my $rank = 0; if (my $row = shift) { if ($canihas) { while (my ($browser, $versions) = each %$row) { ref $versions eq 'HASH' or next; while (my ($version, $_) = each %$versions) { $rank += ($canihas->{$browser}->{$version} || .001) * $statspts->{$_}; } } return $rank; } while (my ($browser, $vercols) = each %versions) { my $div = 0; # multiplier exponent (decreased to lower value) my @vers = map { $row->{$browser}->{$_} } @$vercols; if (my $current = $caniuse->{agents}->{$browser}->{versions}->[-3]) { my @future; # find upcoming releases (after current) for (reverse @$vercols) { last if $_ eq $current; push @future, pop @vers; $_ eq 'u' and $_ = $vers[-1] for $future[-1]; # inherit latest value if unknown } splice @vers, -1, 0, @future; # move ahead to decrease precedence } $rank += $statspts->{$_} * 2**($div--) for reverse @vers; } } return $rank; } sub saytitlecol { my ($id) = @_; my $row = $caniuse->{data}->{$id}; for ($row->{categories}) { my $cell = $_ ? lc $_->[0] : '-'; $cell =~ s/ api$//; # trim unessential fluff in 'js api' printf ''; for my $id (sort { featurescore($caniuse->{data}->{$b}->{stats}) <=> featurescore($caniuse->{data}->{$a}->{stats}) } keys %{ $caniuse->{data} }) { $caniuse->{data}->{$id}->{stats} or next; # skip metadata [summary] printf '', $id; saytitlecol($id); saystatuscol($id); saybrowsercols($id, $_) for @browsers; sayusagecol($id); say ''; } say ''; say '
feature', (map { my $name = $caniuse->{agents}->{$_}->{browser}; sprintf('%s', scalar @{ $versions{$_} }, join(' ', map {"b-a-$_"} grep {$_} $_, @{ $caniuse->{agents}->{$_} }{'prefix', 'type'}, ), join(' ', sprintf('%.1f%%', $canihas->{$_}->{-total} * $usagepct), $name, ), do { length $name < 3 + @{ $versions{$_} }*2 ? $name : $caniuse->{agents}->{$_}->{abbr}; }, ) } @browsers), '%', ); print '
' x 3; for my $browser (@browsers) { for (@{ $versions{$browser} }) { my $lastver = $_->[-1]; my $release = $caniuse->{agents}->{$browser}->{verrelease}->{$lastver}; my $future = defined $release; printf('%s', join(' ', sprintf('%.1f%%', sum(@{ $canihas->{$browser} }{@$_}) * $usagepct), $future ? 'development' : (), 'version ' . join(', ', @{$_}), ), $future && ' class="ex"', showversions($lastver), ); } } print '' x 1; say '
%s', join(' + ', @$_), $cell; } print '', map { sprintf('%s', "#$id", sprintf("try { %s; return false } catch(err) { return true }", "document.getElementById('$id').classList.toggle('target')", ), Entity($_), ); } $row->{title}; print '
'; s/\.?$/./, print "


" for map { ref $_ ? @$_ : $_ || () } Entity($row->{description}), map { s/\s*\n/\n
/g; $_ } $row->{notes}; printf 'Resources: %s.', join(', ', map { sprintf '%s', EscapeHTML($_->{url}), $_->{title} } @$_) for grep { @$_ } $row->{links} // (); printf '
Parent feature: %s.', join(', ', map { sprintf '%s', EscapeHTML("#$_"), $caniuse->{data}->{$_}->{title} } $_) for $row->{parent} || (); print '
'; } sub saystatuscol { my ($id) = @_; my $row = $caniuse->{data}->{$id}; for ($row->{status}) { my $cell = $_ // '-'; $cell = sprintf '%s', $_, $cell for $row->{spec} // (); printf '
%s', $caniuse->{statuses}->{$_}, $CSTATUS{$_} // '', $cell; } } sub saybrowsercols { my ($id, $browser) = @_; my $feature = $caniuse->{data}->{$id}; my $data = $feature->{stats}->{$browser}; if (ref $data eq 'ARRAY') { # special case for unsupported my $release = $caniuse->{agents}->{$browser}->{verrelease}; $data = { map { $_ => defined $release->{$_} ? 'u' : 'n' } keys %$release }; } my ($prev, @span); for my $ver (@{ $versions{$browser} }, undef) { my $compare = ( !defined $ver ? undef : # last column if nameless ref $data ne 'HASH' ? '' : # unclassified if no support hash $data->{ $ver->[-1] } // $prev # known or inherit from predecessor // (grep { defined } @{$data}{ map { $_->[0] } @{ $versions{$browser} } })[0] ~~ 'n' && 'n' # first known version is unsupported || 'u' # unsure ); unless (!defined $prev or $prev ~~ $compare) { my $usage = sum(@{ $canihas->{$browser} }{ map { @{$_} } @span }); # strip #\d note references from support class my @notes; push @notes, $feature->{notes_by_num}->{$1} while $prev =~ s/\h \# (\d+) \b//x; # prepare version hover details my $title = sprintf('%.1f%% %s', $usage * $usagepct, join(', ', map { ref $_ eq 'CODE' ? $_->($browser) : $_ } map { $DSTATS{$_} // () } map { split / /, $_ } $prev )); $title .= "\n".EscapeHTML($_) for @notes; printf('%s', join(' ', X => $CSTATS{$prev}, !$usage ? ('p0') : ('p', sprintf('p%01d', $usage * ($usagepct - .0001) / 10), sprintf('p%02d', $usage * ($usagepct - .0001)), ), sprintf('pp%02d', $usage / $usagemax), ), scalar @span, $title, showversions($span[0]->[0], @span > 1 ? ($span[-1]->[-1]) : ()), ); undef $prev; @span = (); } push @span, $ver && [ grep { $data->{ $_ } eq $data->{ $ver->[-1] } } @{$ver} ]; $prev = $compare; } } sub sayusagecol { my ($id) = @_; print '', int featurescore($caniuse->{data}->{$id}->{stats}) * $usagepct; } say '
'; sub paddedver { # normalised version number comparable as string (cmp) shift =~ /(?:.*-|^)(\d*)(.*)/; # matched (major)(.minor) of last value in range (a-B) return sprintf('%02d', $1 || 0) . $2; } sub showversions { my @span = ($_[0], @_>1 ? $_[-1] : ()); s/-.*// for $span[0]; for (@span) { s/^\./0./; s/x$/.*/; s/.*-//; } return join('‒', @span); } :>
supported partial optional missing unknown prefixed

<: if ($usage) { :> Usage percentage: 0 - .01 - 1-9 - 10 - 20 - majority <: } else { :>
previous version current upcoming (within months) future (within a year)
<: } :>