<(common.inc.plp)><: Html({ title => 'terminal colour cheat sheet', version => '1.0', description => [ "Index of all terminal/console colour codes,", "with an example result of various environments.", ], keywords => [qw' color code terminal console escape table xterm rxvt '], data => ['termcol.inc.pl'], stylesheet => [qw'light dark'], }); :>

Terminal colours

ANSI (VT100, ISO-6429) 16-colour text palette as implemented by various systems and programs. <: print !exists $get{v} ? 'Also see 8-bit legacy hardware palettes.' : 'Also included are 8-bit legacy hardware palettes.'; :>

<: use Shiar_Sheet::Colour '1.03'; use List::Util qw( min max ); my $palettes = do 'termcol.inc.pl'; die "Cannot open palette data: $_\n" for $@ || $! || (); sub colcell { my $name = shift // return "\n"; my $col = Shiar_Sheet::Colour->new(@_); my $minhex = $col->rgb24; my $css = '#' . $col->rgb48; my $inverse = '#' . sprintf('%X', $col->luminance/255 < .3 ? 12 : 0) x 3; my $sample = [ qw(#000 #FFF) ]; ($name, $sample) = @$name if ref $name eq 'ARRAY'; my $out = sprintf('%s', join(',', map { int } @$col), "background:$css; color:$inverse; padding:0 1ex", $name, ); $out .= sprintf '%s', "background:$_; color:$css", $minhex for @$sample; return "$out\n"; } my @termlist = qw( cga xterm tango app html xkcd ); push @termlist, qw( c64 msx2 mac2 risc arnegame cpc ) if exists $get{v}; push @termlist, qw( ansi88 ); push @termlist, qw( ansi256 ) if $ENV{PATH_INFO} =~ /256/; for my $term (@termlist) { my $info = $palettes->{$term}; ref $info eq 'HASH' or next; my $caption = $info->{name} // $term; $caption = sprintf('<%s %s>%s', $info->{href} ? 'a' : 'span', join(' ', map { sprintf '%s="%s"', $_, $info->{$_} } grep { defined $info->{$_} } qw( href title ) ), $caption, ) if $info->{href} or $info->{title}; if (my $mapinfo = $info->{rgbmap}) { print ''."\n"; printf "\n", $caption; print coltable_hsv(@{$mapinfo}); print "
\n\n"; } if (my $colours = $info->{list}) { if (my $reorder = $info->{ansiorder} and $get{v}) { $colours = [ map { $colours->[$_] =~ s/:|$/:$_/r } @{$reorder} ]; } print '', "\n"; printf "\n", $caption; for my $num (0 .. $#{$colours}) { my ($rgb, $name) = split /:/, $colours->[$num], 3; $name ||= $num; $name = [ $name, ['#333'] ] if $term eq 'xkcd'; print '', colcell($name, $rgb); } print "
\n\n"; } } sub coltable_hsv { my ($dim, $rgbval, $greyramp) = @_; my $hmax = 2 * $dim * 3; # each face of the rgb cube my $vmax = $dim - 1; my $smax = $dim - 1; $rgbval ||= sub { join('', @_), map { int $_ * 255 / $vmax } @_ }; $greyramp ||= []; my %greymap; # name => value my @colmap; # saturation => value => hue => [name, r,g,b] my $offset = 16 * ($dim > 3); for my $r (0 .. $dim - 1) { for my $g (0 .. $dim - 1) { for my $b (0 .. $dim - 1) { my @rgb = ($r, $g, $b); my $h = Shiar_Sheet::Colour->new(@rgb)->hue * $hmax; my $v = max(@rgb); my $s = abs(min(@rgb) - max(@rgb)); if (!$s) { my ($index, $l) = $rgbval->(@rgb); $greymap{$index} = $l; next; } $v = $vmax - $v; $s = $smax - $s - $v; $colmap[$s][$v][$h] = [ $rgbval->(@rgb) ]; } } } my $out = ''; $out .= sprintf '', 3 * @{$_} for @colmap; my $huerow = $colmap[0][0]; # first {$_} map { @{$_} } @colmap; for my $h (grep { $huerow->[$_] } 0 .. $#{$huerow}) { $out .= ''; $out .= colcell(@$_) for map { $_->[$h] } map { @{$_} } @colmap; } $offset += $dim ** 3; $greymap{$offset++} = $_ for @{$greyramp}; $out .= ''; my $col = 0; my $colbreak = scalar map { @$_ } @colmap; # same width as hue rows for my $num (sort { $greymap{$a} <=> $greymap{$b} } keys %greymap) { $out .= '' unless $col++ % $colbreak; $out .= colcell($num, ($greymap{$num}) x 3); } return $out; } :>