#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; our $VERSION = '1.00'; if (0) { #TODO: automatic download if not specified on stdin require LWP::Simple; LWP::Simple::get('http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1345.txt'); } # skip everything until a character indented by 1 space (table start) do {$_ = <>} until /^\s\S/; my @t = $_; # add first line (already read, assume it's ok) # read the rest of the character table while ($_ = <>) { # check for table end (chapter 4) last if /^4/; # parse table lines (ignore (unindented) page break) next unless s/^ //; chomp; # add the line to @t if (s/^ {15}/ /) { # continuation line (add to last entry) $t[-1] .= $_; } else { # add a new entry push @t, $_; } } # create a hash of desired input my %di; for (@t) { my ($mnem, $char, $name) = split / +/, $_, 3; next if length $mnem != 2; $di{$mnem} = hex $char; } # optionally get unicode character information my %charinfo = eval { require Unicode::UCD; map { $_ => Unicode::UCD::charinfo($di{$_}) } keys %di; }; # output perl code of hash # (assume no backslashes or curlies, so we can just q{} w/o escaping) print "{\n"; printf "q{%s}=>[%s],\n", $_, join(',', $di{$_}, # glyph code point $charinfo{$_} # optional additional arguments ? map {"'$_'"} @{ $charinfo{$_} }{qw/name category script/} : () ) for sort keys %di; print "}\n";