perl: v5.18 features
[sheet.git] /
1 use utf8;
3 +{
4         v5.6 => {
5                 new => [
6                         ['use utf8'],
7                         ['\N{named character}'],
8                         ['our'],
9                         ['v1.2.3'],
10                         ['sub :locked :method'],
11                         ['open $fh, $mode, $expr'],
12                 ],
13                 release => '2000-03-23',
14         },
15         v5.8 => {
16                 new => [
17                         ['unicode overhaul'],
18                         ['PerlIO'],
19                 ],
20                 release => '2002-07-18',
21         },
22         v5.10 => {
23                 new => [
24                         ['//', 'defined-or operator'],
25                         ['~~', 'smart-match operator to compare different data types'],
26                         ['given', 'switch statement to smart-match with when/default'],
27                         ['/(?<name>)/ and $+{name}', 'named caputer buffers'],
28                         ['s/keep\K//', 'floating positive lookbehind, efficient alternative for s/(keep)/$1/'],
29                         ['/\v/, /\h/', 'vertical and horizontal whitespace escapes'],
30                         ['my $_', 'lexically scoped version of the default variable'],
31                 ],
32                 release => '2007-12-18',
33         },
34         v5.12 => {
35                 new => [
36                         ['package version', 'package NAME VERSION shorthand for our $VERSION"'],
37                         ['...', 'yada-yada operator: code placeholder'],
38                         ['use strict', 'Implicit strictures if use VERSION >= 5.12'],
39                         ['... when', '"when" is now allowed to be used as a statement modifier'],
40                 ],
41                 release => '2010-04-12',
42         },
43         v5.14 => {
44                 new => [
45                         ['s///r', 'non-destructive substitution'],
46                         ['/(?^)/', 'construct to reset to default modifiers'],
47                         ['/(?{ m// })/', 'regular expressions can be nested in /(?{})/ and /(??{})/'],
48                         ["use re '/flags'", 'customize default modifiers'],
49                         ['each $ref e.a.', 'array and hash container functions accept references'],
50                 ],
51                 release => '2011-05-14',
52         },
53         v5.16 => {
54                 new => [
55                         ['__SUB__', 'current subroutine reference'],
56                         ['fc, "\F"', 'unicode foldcase to compare case-insensitively'],
57                         ['"\N{}"', 'automatic use charnames qw( :full :short )'],
58                 ],
59                 release => '2012-05-20',
60         },
61         v5.18 => {
62                 new => [
63                         ['${^LAST_FH}', 'last read filehandle (used by $.)'],
64                         ['/(?[ … & … + … - … ])/', 'regex set operations'],
65                         ['my sub foo', 'lexical subroutines (also state, our)'],
66                         ['next $expression', 'loop controls allow runtime expressions'],
67                 ],
68                 release => '2013-05-18',
69         },
70 }