#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use vars qw($VERSION %INTERNAL %get %post %fields %header %cookie %BLOCK $DEBUG $output); $VERSION = '2.22'; $DEBUG = 1; # We put most everything in %INTERNAL, just so the user won't screw it. # We could also have used packages, but let's keep it simple. $INTERNAL{file} = $ENV{PATH_TRANSLATED}; unless (-e $INTERNAL{file}){ $ENV{REDIRECT_STATUS} = '404'; print STDERR "htmpl: Not found: $INTERNAL{file}\n"; #Change this if you have an error handling script. print `/vhost/COMMON/err.cgi` || "Status: 404 Not found\n\nFile not found"; exit; } ($INTERNAL{dir} = $INTERNAL{file}) =~ s{^(.*)/.*?$}[$1]; chdir $INTERNAL{dir}; ($ENV{PLP_NAME} = $ENV{REQUEST_URI}) =~ s/\?.*$//; use plp; $INTERNAL{qq} = ""; #^P $INTERNAL{q} = ""; #^Q $header{'Content-Type'} = 'text/html'; $header{Status} = '200 OK'; $INTERNAL{code} = ReadFile($INTERNAL{file}); while ($INTERNAL{code} =~ /<\((.*?)\)>/ ){ ($INTERNAL{file} = $1) =~ s/[<>\|]//g; $INTERNAL{code} =~ s//ReadFile($INTERNAL{file})/e; } $INTERNAL{code} =~ s(<:)($INTERNAL{q};)g; $INTERNAL{code} =~ s(:>)(;\nprint q$INTERNAL{q})g; while ($INTERNAL{code} =~ /(<\[1(.*?)\]>(.*?)<\[2\]>(.*?)<\[3\]>)/s){ $INTERNAL{naam} = $2; $BLOCK{"$INTERNAL{naam}-1"} = $3; $BLOCK{"$INTERNAL{naam}-2"} = $4; $INTERNAL{code} =~ s///; #Redo last match } $INTERNAL{code} =~ s(\\\\\r?\n)()g; $INTERNAL{code} =~ s(<\[([^>]*?):(.*?)\]>)($BLOCK{"${1}-1"}$2$BLOCK{"${1}-2"})g; $INTERNAL{code} =~ s(<\[(?!/)(.*?)\]>)($BLOCK{"${1}-1"})g; $INTERNAL{code} =~ s(<\[/(.*?)\]>)($BLOCK{"${1}-2"})g; $INTERNAL{code} =~ s(<{[ \08\09]*)($INTERNAL{q};print qq$INTERNAL{qq})g; $INTERNAL{code} =~ s([ \08\09]*}>)($INTERNAL{qq};print q$INTERNAL{q})g; $INTERNAL{code} = "print q$INTERNAL{q}$INTERNAL{code}$INTERNAL{q};"; $INTERNAL{code} =~ s{print qq$INTERNAL{qq}$INTERNAL{qq};}[]g; $INTERNAL{code} =~ s{print q$INTERNAL{q}$INTERNAL{q};}[]g; while ($INTERNAL{code} =~ s/<_(.*?)_>//s){ $INTERNAL{pre} = $1; { no strict; eval $INTERNAL{pre}; if ($@ && $DEBUG){ print "\nDebug:\n $@"; } } } print "\n\n" if $DEBUG == 2; { my %HEADER; for (sort keys %header){ # Sort, so lowercase and underscores come first) my $copy = $_; tr/_/-/; s/\b(\w)(\w*)/\U$1\E\L$2\E/g; $HEADER{$_} = $header{$copy}; } for (keys %HEADER){ print "$_: $HEADER{$_}\n"; } print "\n"; } { no strict; eval $INTERNAL{code}; if ($@ && $DEBUG){ print "
", Entity($@); } }