'Toegewezen aan', 'subject' => 'Onderwerp', ]; function userupload($input, $target = NULL, $filename = NULL) { switch ($input['error']) { case UPLOAD_ERR_OK: break; case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: throw new Exception('bestand te groot'); break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: return; # current default: throw new Exception('bestand niet goed ontvangen: '.$input['error']); } if (isset($target)) { if (!file_exists($target) and !@mkdir($target, 0777, TRUE)) { throw new Exception("bestand kon niet geplaatst worden in $target"); } $target .= '/'; } if (isset($filename)) { $target .= $filename; } else { $target .= $input['name']; } if (file_exists($target)) { throw new Exception("bestandsnaam al aanwezig op $target"); } if (!@move_uploaded_file($input['tmp_name'], $target)) { throw new Exception("bestand kon niet worden opgeslagen in $target"); } foreach (@glob('thumb/*/') as $thumbres) { # attempt to remove old derivations @unlink($thumbres . '/' . $target); } return $target; } function messagehtml($input) { # convert user textarea post to formatted html global $User; if (empty($input)) { return; } if ($User and $User->admin and preg_match('/\A<[a-z][^>]*>/', $input)) { return $input; # allow html input as is if privileged } $markup = [ '{<((?:\w+:|/).+?)>}' => '<$1>', # unescape link entities '{<(?:https?://)?([^>\s|]+)>}' => '<$1 $1>', # unnamed link '{<([^>\s|]+)[\s|]([^>]+)>}' => '$2', # hyperlink "/\r\n?/" => "\n", # unix newlines "/ +\n/" => "
", # trailing spaces for hard line break "/^[-*] (.*)$\n?/m" => '
  • $1
  • ', # list item "/^(.+)$\n?/m" => "


    \n", # paragraph "{^


  • .*
  • )(?:

    \n)?}m" => "\n", # list container '/_(? '$1', # italic '/\*(? '$1', # bold '/~(? '$1', # stricken '/`(? '$1', # monospace ]; return preg_replace(array_keys($markup), array_values($markup), htmlspecialchars($input)); } function createcomment($input, &$Issue = NULL) { # insert user message as database issue/reply global $User, $Db, $Page, $journalcol; $reply = []; if (isset($input['reply']) and $body = $input['reply']) { $reply['raw'] = $body; $reply['message'] = messagehtml($body); } if ($_FILES and !empty($_FILES['image'])) { $target = 'data/upload'; if (!file_exists($target)) { throw new Exception("er is geen uploadmap aanwezig op $target"); } $target .= '/' . $User->login; if ($result = userupload($_FILES['image'], $target)) { $reply['raw'] .= "/$result"; if (preg_match('(^image/)', $_FILES['image']['type'])) { $reply['message'] .= sprintf('

    ', $result); } else { $reply['message'] .= sprintf('

    Bijgevoegd bestand: %s

    ', $result, basename($result) ); } } } $query = $Db->set('comments', $reply + [ 'page' => "{$Page->handler}/{$Issue->id}", 'author' => $User->login, ]); if (!$query->rowCount()) { throw new Exception('Fout bij opslaan'); } $newcomment = $Db->dbh->lastInsertId('comments_id_seq'); if (isset($Issue)) { $row = []; foreach (array_keys($journalcol) as $col) { if (!isset($input[$col])) continue; $row[$col] = $input[$col] ?: NULL; } if (isset($input['status'])) { $reset = !empty($input['status']); if (isset($Issue->closed) !== $reset) { $row['closed'] = $reset ? ['now()'] : NULL; } } $derived = ['updated' => ['now()']]; $filter = ['id = ? RETURNING *', $Issue->id]; $subquery = $Db->set('issues', $row + $derived, $filter); if ($updated = $subquery->fetch()) { foreach (array_keys($row) as $col) { if ($updated->$col === $Issue->$col) continue; # unaltered $Db->set('journal', [ 'comment_id' => $newcomment, 'property' => 'attr', 'col' => $col, 'old_value' => $Issue->$col, 'value' => $updated->$col, ]); } $Issue = $updated; } } return $newcomment; }