0 ? $monthname[intval($parts[1])] : '', $parts[0], count($parts) > 5 ? "$parts[3]:$parts[4]" : '', ])); } class ArchiveArticle { public $raw, $preface, $title, $body; public $meta = []; function __construct($path) { $this->page = $path; $this->link = preg_replace('{(?:/index)?\.html$}', '', $path); if (file_exists($this->page)) { $this->raw = file_get_contents($this->page); if (preg_match_all('{ \G \s* }x', $this->raw, $meta)) { $matchlen = array_sum(array_map('strlen', $meta[0])); $this->raw = substr($this->raw, $matchlen); # delete matched contents $this->meta = array_combine($meta[1], $meta[2]); # [property => content] } @list ($this->preface, $this->title, $this->body) = preg_split('{


\s*}', $this->raw, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); } } function __get($col) { return $this->$col = $this->$col(); # run method and cache } function safetitle() { return trim($this->meta['og:title'] ?? strip_tags($this->title)); } function name() { return $this->safetitle ?: $this->link; } function last() { return filemtime($this->page); } function lastiso() { return date(DATE_ATOM, $this->last); } function dateparts() { preg_match('< / (\d{4}) [/-] (\d{2}) (?:- (\d{2}) )? - >x', $this->page, $ymd); array_shift($ymd); return $ymd; } function dateiso() { return implode('-', $this->dateparts()) . 'T12:00:00+02:00'; } function date() { return showdate($this->dateparts); } function story() { if ( preg_match('{ \n (?: < (?: p | figure [^>]* ) >\s* )+ (]*>) | \n }x', $this->body, $img, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) ) { # strip part after matching divider (image) if (isset($img[1])) { $this->img = $img[1][0]; } return substr($this->body, 0, $img[0][1]); } return $this->body; } function teaser() { if ($override = @$this->meta['og:description']) { # prefer specific page description if found in metadata return $override; } if (preg_match('{ (?: \s+ | | ]*> )*

\s* (.*?)

}sx', $this->raw, $bodyp, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { # fallback paragraph contents following the page header if ($bodyp[1][1] < 256) { return $bodyp[1][0]; } } # starting paragraph for documents without title (assumed simple/partial) if (strpos($this->raw, ' \s* (.*?)

}sx', $this->raw, $bodyp)) { return $bodyp[1]; } } function img() { $this->img = NULL; $this->story; return $this->img; } function image() { if ($override = @$this->meta['og:image']) { # prefer specific page image if found in metadata return $override; } if ( preg_match('/\bsrc="([^"]*)"/', $this->img, $src) ) { return $src[1]; } } function thumb($size = '300x') { if (!$this->image or $this->image[0] !== '/') return; return preg_replace( ['{^(?:/thumb/[^/]*)?}', '/\.groot(?=\.\w+$)/'], ["thumb/$size", ''], $this->image ); } }