admin('foto')) { $access = '🔓 Openbaar'; if (isset($PageAccess)) { $access = "🔒 Bewoners"; if ($PageAccess != $rootdir) { $access .= sprintf(' vanaf %s', "/$PageAccess", pathinfo($PageAccess, PATHINFO_FILENAME) ); } } print "\n\n"; } $nav = explode('/', $rootdir); $nav[0] = "Foto's"; # override of root 'foto' $title = array_pop($nav); $Article->title = implode(' ', $nav) . ': ' . $title; $link = ''; print "

"; foreach ($nav as $i => $linktitle) { $link .= '/' . ($i ? $linktitle : $Page); printf('%s →'."\n", $link, $linktitle); } print $title; print "

\n\n"; if (isset($Article->raw)) { print $Article->raw; # page intro } function showthumb($path) { // assume all album entries are symlinks to archive originals $target = preg_replace('{^(\.\./)*}', '', readlink($path)); $thumb = 'thumb/262/' . $target; @list ($order, $size, $title) = explode(':', pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_FILENAME), 3); $imgtag = 'img src="/'.$thumb.'"'; if ($title) { $imgtag .= ' title="'.htmlspecialchars(urldecode($title)).'"'; } if ($size) { $imgtag .= ' data-size="'.$size.'"'; } return sprintf('<%s />'."\n", $target, $imgtag); } if ($imgs = glob("$rootdir/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR)) { natsort($imgs); print '\n\n"; } if ($imgs = glob("$rootdir/*.jpg")) { print ''."\n\n"; include 'foto/'; } return;